2. 6 weeks later

15 1 0

"Yes Ms. Hood this confirms you are indeed pregnant. Congrats." I stared at the nurse as she looked at my test. I was in pure shock. I was pregnant with a little baby. But not just any baby a little Clifford baby. It's gonna come out with rainbow hair and the love for pizza. Oh God.

"There has to be a mistake. I-I can't be preggers." I stammered. My heart beating in my chest. She looked up at me and frowned.

"Well you brought me your five home test that all read postive and you took two of ours which just confirms your pregnancy. Now the only other option is a blood test but you'll have to take one of those anyways. For hormone levels." she continued talking and I zoned out. I was in fact really pregnant. There's no way around this. In just a few short months I'll pop out a mini me mixed with Michael.

"Ms. Hood?"


"I said we need to go schedule you an appointment so you can see the fetus and possibly hear the heartbeat. I nod my head. I got off the table and walked over to the counter. I stared down at seven postive. Gathered them all up and through them in my bag. I stomped out of the room and up to the check out window. I schedule an appointment for in three weeks. I grabbed my appointment card and walked out to my car. I text Amber everything. She called me and I started crying on the phone to her. She consul me and told me she'll be here for me. That I wont be alone. Then she asked if I was gonna tell Michael. I haven't thought about it but I need to. I got off the phone with her and text him to meet me at the pizza palor he loves. I drove out of the parking lot thinking about the next few months and how everything is going to change. Calum is going to kill Michael. My mom is going to hate me. Oh what have I done. I pulled up the palor and noticed Michaels car here. I got out and walked in. He was sitting at the table texting in his phone. Probaly some slut looking to hook up. Douchebag. I sat down across from him. He looked up and smiled.

"What a lovely surprise m'lady."

"Really Michael?" I gave him a look. He chuckled.

"Yeah yeah but hope you don't mind I order a peperoni pizza." which that doesn't sound half bad. For the past few weeks all I been craving is pizza. But sadly it doesn't last long thanks to morning sickness.

"It's fine actually." I leaned back and stared at him. He was wearing a misfit shirt and his jean jacket. His red hair spiked all over the place. I would be lying if I said I didn't find Michael attractive But I won't tell him that. I heard him call my name and wave a hand in front of my face.


"You look good in my shirt. You know I been looking for that shirt." I look down at the shirt I was wearing. I didn't realized I put it on this morning. I was preoccupied.

"Yeah sorry about that." I neverously smiled.

"You must missed me and our wild sex." He smirked. And there he was. This the Michael that annoyed me. The snarky egocentric Michael. I rolled my eyes. A waitress walked up and set down a large pizza and asked what I wanted to drink. I order a water. She walked off.

"Okay then why did you want to see me? I mean don't get me wrong I don't mind seeing a pretty face and hanging with you but since the break up we never really hung out. So what's up?" he pulled a slice and put it on his plate. I mimicked his move. I took a deep breathe before I started talking.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He raised his eyebrows in questioning as he took a bit. "Well I'm a couple weeks late and I went to the doctors today and found out I'm pregnant. Oh yum this pizza is good." I took a bit after I hastly told him the news. He dropped his slice in the plate and stared at me in shock. I couldn't look at him.

"Are you freaking serious?" I nod my head. The waitress came up finally with my water and left. I reached down and grabbed my purse. I showed him one test from the doctors office that held two pink lines. He stared at it.

"There's six more in my purse that says the samething." I spoke quietly. I stared at him as he stared at the test. Speak idiot.

"Okay. Okay." He nod his head. "So now what? Where we go from here?" He bit his lip nervously I let out a breath I was holding. I told him about my appointment in three weeks and well prolly go from there. I told him abortion is out of the question. He agreed. We finished eating and talking. We talked about other things but we couldn't get pass the elephant in the room. I know he's still in shock but in glad he didn't get mad and yell at me. He paid for the meal and walked me to my car. As I was about to unlock my door he grabbed my arm.

"Look Lexie this is a lot for me to take in so have patience with me. I'm not mad at you and don't blame you. At least I hope you didn't do it on purpose." he try to lighten the mood. "But I'll try to be there for you as much as possible and support you on any of the decisions you make. And also I was wondering if I could go with you to the appointment?" he tilt his head in curosity. It was cute how he does that. I smiled at him. That was a kinda sweet speech. But I agreed and he seemed pleased. I don't know maybe things won't be all bad.

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