23. Broken pieces

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I couldn't stand watching my sister suffer. We all had to take shifts to watch her and made sure she ate or take her pills. It was tearing me apart watching her suffer. All she did was lay in that bed. I know she's on bed rest but she doesn't talk or watch netflix. She just lays there. Our mom is freaking out worried. She been taking nerve pills to calm her down. It's been four days and I'm fed up. We even had Frank come over and nothing. I turned around to see everyone sitting at the kitchen table.

"Guys I think we need to call Michael." Everyone was quiet except for Frank.

"He's only gonna make it worst." I looked over at him and scrunch my eyebrows.

"We have no other choice Frank. We tried everything." Shes barely eating. She's not talking or moving much."

"I just don't think we should." He scoffed.

"Well what the do you suppose we do then Frank?" I snapped. He was starting to annoy me.

"I don't know. But I know if he does decide to show up he's gonna make her situation worst. I don't know why we have to call him. He's the dick that abdondon her." We all got quiet. You could hear a needle drop. Mavis shy away from Luke.

"What the hell did you say about Michael?" Ashton calmly ask.

"I mean he gets her pregnant and plays with her emotions and when things get rough he abdondons her and the babies. It's a selfish dick move. And he's probably out with some skank and banging her instead of being here." I was boiling mad. I know the night of her breakdown I went to hint Michael down and beat his ass. But I know him. He's not abdondoning them. He's protecting them. He knows what he cause.

"You don't know shit when it comes to him and her. He did not abdondon them. He knows how stressful things are for her right now and he's doing what he thinks best. Backing off. You don't what he's going through as we speak. He's just as depressed as she is." Ashton spoke.

"Look your new here and you don't understand our relationships but we are all close. Especially those five. Lexi is their whole world. And they all want what's best for her and maybe right now it's Michael." Mavis tried to speak to him. He was getting annoyed. He better watch it. Especially when it comes to Mavis Luke is already wound tight.

"Shes my girlfriend and I say we don't call him. I don't care he's the father of the babies and y'alls friend. I care about her and know how he's hurt her. So no. He's not coming." And that was it. One minute he was talking and next on the floor with a bloody nose.

"Calum get Michael over here now." Luke stood over Frank fuming. He bent down and picked him up. "Let me tell you something. If you get over your stupid jealousy controlling act you'll see we are right. Michael cause this. He will fix it. Now shut the fuck up and sit down." Luke pushed him in are seat. I picked up my phone and dialed Michael. It rang and went to voicemail. I shook my head redialed. Mavis got up to look put the window. She said his car isn't there. He picked up finally

"Hello?" He sounded miserable.

"Michael dude we need you now. It's a code 911."

"I'll be there asap." He hung up on me. I laid my phone down and looked at Frank.

"You know you're lucky your seating there. I have half a mind to beat you senseless talking about my best friend. But naw I'm not. I'm gonna sit back and watch you screw this up." I sat back with a smug. Ashton leaned forward smirking.

"One thing you have to realize no matter how hard you try you'll never have a place in her heart like Michael. You may be better for her or treat her better but it won't mean shit to her." He sat back.

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