When you're depressed

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Your POV

You slumped on your bed while April looked over a pile of DVD's.

You invited her over in your apartment cause you wanted to have an emotional talk about your brothers, not knowing that April is doing a favor for your brothers.

You tilted your head to your nightstand where your only photo with your brothers were.

Leonardo, the oldest, was smiling widely with an arm around Raph, the hothead, who was smiling, joy filling his eyes.

That was the first time you saw him so happy like that. And probably the last.

Donnie was holding your little hand smiling and slightly showing a gap in his teeth. Lastly, your coolest big brother, holding your legs, smiling and closing his eyes,Mikey, while you were on Mikey's shoulders with a party hat on your head and a big smile plastered on your face.

That was on your tenth birthday.

You sniffed. Tears threatening to fall but you held them back.

April noticed you sad, so she grabbed her backpack and pulled out some Space Heroes tapes.

She went over your bed then sat beside you. "(Y/n)" she cooed, trying to get you on your jolly side. You hummed in response but you still didn't look at her.

"I got some Space Heroes movie we can watch" she said soothingly.

You smiled then sat up on your bed.

April looked at you and you gave her weak smile. Without saying anything you hugged her.

She was surprised at first but hugged back. This was the time you let your tears fall from your eyes.

You kept on crying, making her shoulder wet, but she didn't mind she just rubbed your back in a soothing manner.

She felt bad for you. You never saw your brothers for three years but she knew all about them and cant tell you.

You pulled back from the hug.

Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. Still, you gave her a happy smile.

"Thanks April" you choked out. She smiled back at you.

"Happy to help".


Ellow dere! Da gret Skit is back! Haha... Okay enough with the Ricky Martin fangirling.... XD!

La vida loca! XD

Okay okay.... So how's the first chapter? Was it good?

Was it good enough for ya?

Was Ricky Martin good enough for ya?
He's not good enough for me..... He's PERFECT! *squeals and screams*

I need to go see you guys in the next chapter I can promise you that! Ah!! Bye!

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