Training with Master Splinter

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You moved in the sewers with your brothers 'kay?

You slumped your back on the couch. Your brothers were on patrol and you my dear were bored out of your mind! You huffed then turned your head to the side to see a giant rat standing in front of you.

"GAH!" You jumped and sat straight up. "You must be the one my sons have been telling me" it said stroking his beard.

"H-hello... I'm (Y/n)"

You shook his hand. You smiled at him. "I see you are a bit of Leonardo" It said smiling back at you.

"I'm sorry sir but, I didn't get your name"

"Oh my apologies, you may call me Master Splinter, and as my sons call me, Sensei"

You nodded. "So how am I like Leo exactly? I know I'm pretty much of a hothead like Raph and a prankster like Mikey"

"Walk with me my child" Splinter said walking away. You caught up on him and walked by his side to the dojo. "(Y/n), you are responsible and confident like Leonardo, and as my son's stories tell me, you are very wise and intelligent like Donatello"

You both entered the dojo then stood in the middle of it.
"I want to train you to be a kunouich, a female ninja"

Wide eyes and a wide mouth can be found on your face right now. (Haha XD) "So that means I can be like my brothers and kick butts?" Your eyes were twinkling in excitement.


You fist bumped the air, smiling widely. "When does training start?" You asked.

"We will start now"


Your brothers came back to the lair with April and Casey and two boxes of pizza.
"Dudette! I got your favorite pizza" Mikey called out.

No answer.

"Where is she?"

"I'm guessing she's in the dojo" Donnie said before walking into his lab.

"Well I'll be putting the pizza in the kitchen" Casey said walking to the kitchen.

Leo, Raph, and Mikey just looked at April raising an 'eyebrow'

"I swear it's their problem not mine!"

The others just nodded and went to the dojo.

"One! Two! Three!" They heard Master Splinter voice.
"Hajime! Very good (Y/n)"

"I see you already met Sensei" Raph crossed his arms and grinned.

"More like he met me"

"Wait Master Splinter, your teaching her to be a kunouich?" April asked.

"Yes, and she is very talented just like her brothers. That is enough for today (Y/n), we will continue this training tomorrow"

"Hai sensei" you bowed.

"Yes! Finally! Another girl!" April fist bumped the air along with Mikey.

"Congratulations, dudette! Your gonna be a rad ninja like me! I'll teach you my secret move!" Then Mikey began demonstrating his combo move. You giggled.

"She's not gonna be a goofball like you Mikey"


Raph just grinned. Leo helped you up and headed to the kitchen to eat Pizza.

And of course beating a little sunshine out of Casey

TMNT Little Sister ScenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon