When you get drunk

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You wore a (f/c) crop top, ripped skinny jeans, some sneakers and a  checkered polo. You pulled your hair into a high ponytail and put on light make up. Why dressing up all of a sudden?

Because you, my dear reader-chan, are going to a party.

It was just yesterday when you were invited by April's friend to go to a party. You said you weren't allowed to go to parties, since you had no one to come with you, but then she said April was coming and you said you'll try attending to it.

You walked out to the living room and saw Mikey and Raph watching t.v.

"Dudes, I'm going out!" You called out.

"Where are you headed to? And why did you dress up like that?" Raph asked.

"I'm going to a friend's house and because I feel like it" you grinned at him, placing a hand on your hip.

"At this late?" A voice spoke up. You turned around and saw Leo walking out of the dojo.

"It's 6 pm" you deadpanned.

"So?" ((Sassy are we? :3))

"Sooo... That means I can still come home by 8 and hang around with you, nutshells" you said lazily.

There was a slight pause after that. You raised an eyebrow at him, he sighed and nodded.
You squealed and hugged him.

"Thanks Leo~! Thanks guys! You all are the best brothers a girl could ever have!!" You said as you exited the lair.

Donnie then came to the living room, holding his screwdriver in his hand. "Where's she going this time?" He asked, a small grin appearing on his face.

"To a friend's house" Mikey said turning his back to the TV.

"You just had to agree with her, huh fearless?" Raph shook his head, a slight smirk forming on his lips. Leo chuckled and walked to the kitchen and so did Donnie, but to his lab.

"Well, she's growing up" Leo said before entering.

(( Time skip ))

You walked three blocks to your classmate's house. You knocked a few times, after 5 minutes or so, (classmate name) opened the door.

You felt like you were gonna go deaf because the music that they were playing was blaring as she opened the door. She smiled widely as she saw you.

"(Y/N)!! I'm so glad you could make it!!!" She shouted, pulling you into a bear hug. You can smell the sweat and alcohol on her as she hugged you. When you pulled away, she led you inside.

Your mouth went wide open when you saw the living room. Everybody was just dancing, some holding drinks in their hands, some were kissing and the others were just simply talking or just drinking.

You made a disgusted face as you smelt the alcohol all around the place!!

You searched around to find April, but you can't seem to find her. "Umm.. Where's April?" You asked her.

"Who? That redhead? Why would she be here? She's not even invited to this party!!!" She yelled, obviously drunk.

"What?!" You exclaimed.

"What? You thought that she would actually be here? That b*tch doesn't fit to be here" she slurred.

"What the effin- that's it! You're just- urgh!!! I could just strangle you right now!!!" You gritted your teeth, almost laying your hands on her neck, but you took in a deep breath and walked away.

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