When things get weird

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Your POV

You walked out of the bathroom, still humming the tune of your favorite song. You grabbed a clip from the drawer of your nightstand (where the apple is) and did your hair. You grabbed the apple from the nightstand and took a bite out of it.

At first, you felt something different about the apple, but you just shrugged it off, thinking that you might've forgot to wash it.

You wore a teal sleeveless shirt and grey sweatpants.

You walked out of your room, still eating an apple on your way out. The living room light was on, but nobody was still there, then you heard humming. The sound was from the kitchen! You walked in the kitchen to see your brother swinging and turning side to side, humming a tune to himself.

Just then, a heavenly aroma caught your attention. You sniffed the air, letting all the good smell fill your nose. You followed the smell and it led you to the kitchen. Once you arrived in the kitchen, you saw Mikey cooking, a soft hum coming from his lips.

"Morning Big Brother" you greeted as walked inside the kitchen. You sat down and rested your head on your hand.

"Morning lil dudette, you ready for the awesomest breakfast you'd ever have?" He beamed at you.

"YOU BET I AM!" you exclaimed.

Just then, the other three came in. You greeted them and the sat down. Mikey then set down five plates of American breakfast on the table. You sniffed the air, loving the aroma. You set the half bitten apple on the side of your plate and started to eat.

You hummed as you tasted the delicious food in your mouth. "This is delicious" you commented.

"Thanks lil sis!" Mikey smiled.

But then you felt your chest become heavy. (No not your boobs) You excused yourself from the kitchen to go to the bathroom. The turtles didn't notice the pain that was starting to grow.

As you entered the bathroom, you locked the door and went straight to the sink. You breathed heavily, clutching your chest with your hand.

'What's going on with my chest?' You thought.

You took in a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom and went back into the kitchen, where your brothers just finished eating. You sat back down and continued to eat as if nothing happened.

'Maybe I could get Donnie to do a check-up on me' you thought as you ate.


Short chapter! Sorry I'm busy right now but I am trying to update whenever I can!

Thanks for supporting this book you guys really appreciate it.

And I will see you in the chapter (Y/n)-chan!!

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