When you have a nightmare

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Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't updating for so long. I went on vacation with my family. And guess what? I got sunburns. -_-

So, here I am sitting and watching anime with a tub of ice cream beside me. The sunburn hurts alot, really. I have them on my arms, shoulders,upper back and face.

It seriously hurts as hell...

And my uncle said we have another vacation starting next week >~<...

Hope you guys enjoy!!!

You entered the lair looking like a complete mess. Mrs. Grapers had given you extra projects and work to do after classes and it was exhausting! Your clothes are now worn out, your hair was in a messy bun, and your bag was already hanging on the edge of your elbow, a few papers sticking out. You sighed.

"Hello?" You called out. No answer.

'They must be out for patrol' you thought.

When you were about to take a step in the kitchen, you saw Master Splinter sitting and drinking his tea peacefully. At the other side of Splinter was April. When she saw you, she gasped.

"Oh my god, (Y/n) what happened to you?" She ran to you and took off your bag.

"Long story, short: Mrs. Grapers hates me" you sighed, sitting down on the other side of the table.

You took a cup and poured some tea in it. "Would you like to tell us your day, my daughter?" Splinter asked, calmed.

You told them everything.

"Wow, Mrs. Grapers never gave Casey that kind of detention" you laughed. "Maybe because he always escapes detention" you laughed.

"That is enough (Y/n), you must now rest." Sensei said, standing up and going out of the kitchen. When Splinter was out, you looked at April, who was already standing up.

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