When you get Bullied

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You were listening to (f/m) on your phone. Classes haven't started yet, so you decided a little bit of music would help.

You looked at the notebook you've been scribbling on. It was full of sketches and drawings. You were doing a sketch of Nathan on a blank page, when all of a sudden, someone poured water all over you!

Your whole body was soaked in water, you looked at your notebook and saw all of your hard work was now trenched in water.

You stood up and looked at the person who did that to you. When you turned around you saw (e/n) (<- enemy name), laughing with her circle of bitches. Everybody then started laughing at you. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words cam out.

"What's the matter, loser? Cat got your tongue?" They laughed again.

You felt embarrassed. You wanted to cry so badly. You took your notebook and bag and ran out of the room. You ran down the empty hallway, hoping you'll see April or Casey anywhere.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as you ran. You wanted to go home, you wanted to lock yourself in your room and eat ice cream all day.

The water was dripping from your uniform that it made the floor wet. You didn't see where you were going, but you just wanted some alone time. You accidentally slipped on the wet floor, but before you could even fall...

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice said.

You looked up to the person and noticed that it was Nathan. His eyes were full of worry. He helped you up and guided you to the garden, where you both sat for the rest of the class.

"What did they to you?" He asked, grabbing his towel from his backpack.

"It's pretty obvious that they poured water all over me" you laughed a bit. "Then called me a loser"

"Don't listen to them" he said.

"And why should I?" You sniffed, looking him. He immediately hugged you. Your eyes widen at this, he then whispered in your ear.

"Because I know that they're just jealous of you"

You blushed.

"Thanks Nathan" you said softly.

He pulled away and pushed a few strands of wet hair behind your ear. He then grazed your cheeks with his thumb, blueish gray eyes staring into your (e/c) ones.

The corner of his lips curled upward as he placed his hand on your cheek.

"What?" you asked dumbfounded.

"Nothing" he grinned. You pushed him playfully. He chuckled.

You pouted playfully, crossing your arms across your chest.

"Well, we should get you clean." you heard him say.

"Uhm. I don't have extra clothes with me" you looked away, embarrassed. You heard him chuckle again.

"Don't worry you can borrow mine"

~•~•~•Le Timeskip cause I ran out of ideas :3~•~•~•

Nathan walked you to your apartment. You said your goodbye's and entered your apartment. You then noticed that the apartment was empty.

"Jake?" You called out. "Where are ya?"

You in the kitchen, still no one. You then saw a note on the fridge.

B.K needed me. Don't worry I'll be back~


P.S The cookies are on top of the fridge. Hope you like them ;)

You laughed slightly. You reached the top of the fridge and took one.

"Hm~ chocolate chips,hm? Not bad" you said to yourself.

You went your bedroom to change.


"(Y/n)! You home?" A human Leo called from the living room.

Apparently, you gave April a spare key to your apartment.

Casey, Mikey, and Raph plopped on the couch and turned on the t.v while Leo and Donnie were in the kitchen preparing cups and soda.

April opened your bedroom and heard the shower on.

She knocked a few times. "(Y/n)? You there?"

"Yeah! I'll be out in a minute!"

April nodded and sat down on your bed. She looked around your room until her eyes landed on a certain certain shirt and sweatpants.

She walked over and spread it in front of her.

She knows your favorite band shirts and type of music, but this one just confused her.

You walked out of the bathroom in your Pj's and a damp cloth in your hands.

"Hey (Y/n)?"

You hummed in response, not looking at her.

"Since when were you a fan of Nirvana?"

Hola¡! 😂😂 I know it sucks. But I just literally ran out of ideas.

Oh, by the way, Imma start writing again on mah other books. Hope you like em!

They're on my timeline, visit there and please read my other books 💖💖

Love you guys~

Stay Lovely 😋

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