It's positive

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The next morning I woke up to sun streaming in through the window. I groaned and rolled over where my body collided with another causing us both to jump. “Oh fuck” we both mumbled. I looked under the covers to see us both completely naked. “shit shit shit” he grumbled as he pulled on some boxers and sat on the side of the bed with his hands in his hair. I grabbed my underwear and threw them on quickly. “Here, you can put this on since I don’t know where your clothes are” he blushed as he handed me a t-shirt of his. “Thank you” I whispered.

“I'm in deep shit” he sighed, “Why?” I asked, “I have a girlfriend back home” he gulped, “Well let’s just pretend this never happened then?” I shrugged, “It’s not that simple...” he stopped briefly, “Beth” I said, “Well, Beth, It’s not that simple! Do you even know who I am?” he asked, I shook my head. “I'm Nathan Sykes, from The Wanted and there’s a ninety percent chance that there’s paparazzi just waiting to pounce on us and make a story” he sighed. “Shit” I mumbled, “Yeah, shit” he said.

We sat in silence for a bit before I came up with a plan to make it look like nothing happened. “Tom come to my room please I need to speak to you” Nath said down the phone before sitting on the bed with me again. “He’s on his way” he said and just then there was a knock on the door and Tom came In with a hat and sunglasses on. “I need you to sneak out of here and make it look like you slept with Beth here and not me” Nathan Said. “You slept with her?!” Tom gasped, “Well neither of us remember anything but we woke up in bed together with no clothes on” he replied. “And please don’t tell the boys, I cant afford for this to get out” Nath added with a concerned look on his face. “Fine. But you owe me Sykes” Tom said and Nath thanked him before I said goodbye and me and Tom left the room making it look like we had slept together and not me and Nath.

“Thank you so much for this!” I said as Tom walked me back to mine and the girls room which turned out to be on the floor above their rooms. “It’s cool. Nice to meet you” he laughed and waved as he left and I let myself into the room.

“There you are!” Taylor said, turning round as I walked in, “Where the fuck have you been?!” Tanya half shouted at me. “I was with a guy, it was a one-night stand, forget about it” I sighed, “Tell us you little shit” Laura said and dragged me to the bed where I told them all the story and they swore not to tell anyone.

“Well this is fucked up” Tanya chuckled, “Well let’s just move on and everything will be fine” I said, “I'm going for a shower and then we can discuss what we’re going to do today” I said and headed into the bathroom. I scrubbed my hair and body washing away the evidences of last night as I shook it off.

“How about we go to the beach?” Tanya asked, “Sure thing” we agreed, “Maybe we’ll bump into lover boy” Alex winked, “Alex don’t” Laura warned, “Sorry” she said and I smiled at her as I grabbed a bag of things for the beach.

2 weeks later

 We had got back from Ibiza yesterday and it actually feels so good to be back as I had been feeling rough for the past week and I really missed home. “Morning” I said as I walked into the kitchen where my mum was cooking breakfast, “Morning, Do you want breakfast?” She asked, “No thanks, I don’t feel very well” I sighed, “How long have you been feeling ill for?” My dad asked, “All week” I shrugged, “You’ve probably got mild food poisoning” he suggested, “Maybe” I sighed.

I spent the rest of the day watching movies and running to the toilet to throw up every now and again. It was about 7pm and a horrible thought crossed my mind. “Mum I'm just going to pop down to Tanya’s house, I’ve got something to give her, don’t wait up for me” I called to my mum as I threw my shoes on and made the 10 minute walk to Tanya’s flat.

I knocked on the door repeatedly till she answered and I pushed her inside, “Woah, what’s going on?” She asked as I shut the door behind us. “I.. I think I might be pregnant” I stuttered, “What?” She asked, “Well since that night with Nathan I’ve been feeling rough and it’s getting worse and I’ve been throwing up all day and I have massive cravings” I said as I started crying. “Shh, it’s okay! Have you taken a test?” She asked, “No not yet” I mumbled as I wiped the tears with my sleeve. “Well I will call the girls and get them to come over and bring a test and we will have a girly night!” She smiled. I nodded and she called the girls. “I’ll go and make some tea, the girls will be here any minute” she said and walked into the kitchen.

The girls got here pretty quickly and I told them what I thought and Laura gave me the test and I went in to do it. I came out with the test and we all sat around in silence for what seemed like the longest two minutes of my life. “You want to look?” Alex asked, “No, you do it” I gulped. She nodded and picked up the test and looking at it and then looking at me with a sorrow look on her face, “It’s positive” she whispered.

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