getting worse

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“Here’s your order” I smiled to a women who was obviously on her way to work as I passed her a coffee. “What time do we finish today?” Laura asked as we sat behind the bar, “Well since it’s only 8 o clock and we’ve been here just half an hour... Not till 5 o clock. Why?” I replied, “It’s just dead in here, it’s so boring!” She whined, “Yes but we’re getting paid for it.

“Laura can I tell you something?” I asked, “Shoot” She smiled, “Well you know Nathan’s girlfriend Dionne?” I said, “Yeah...” She replied, “She’s using Nathan for fame and threatened me that if I get In the way then she’ll hurt me and kill my baby” I said, “WHAT?! That bitch! I knew something wasn’t right about her!” She growled, “I just don’t know what to do” I sighed, “Well have you told anyone else about it?” She asked, “Well I’ve told Tanya and you but that’s it, I was planning on telling Taylor and Alex as well” I shrugged, “Okay, don’t tell anyone else though, keep it between the five of us and we’ll see what happens because you really don’t want to risk anything and at the moment she isn’t doing anything bad. Nathan can handle himself and all we can do is be there for him when he needs us” She smiled, “That’s exactly what Tanya said?” I said looking at her with an eyebrow raised, “She may have told us last night” She smiled innocently. “I should have guessed” I sighed.

“She only told us because we noticed how sad you’ve been recently. You may be smiling on the outside but we’ve known you long enough to see through it” She smiled and put her hand on my leg reassuring me. I really like it when it’s just the two of us in the shop so we can actually talk without everyone eves-dropping on us.

“Beth look who just walked in” Laura whispered as she was drying the cups she had just washed. I turned round to see Dionne walk in with one of her friends. “I just can’t wait to get away from him” She groaned. “Hi, how may I help you?” I asked as she came up to the bar, “Oh good, it’s you” She groaned sarcastically. “Yeah I work here. Now can I take you order” I asked again plastering on a fake smile. “Yeah. Gimme a small latte for me and a small Americano for her.” She said bluntly. “Coming right up” I said and walked back to see Laura spitting in the latte” I had to try so hard to stifle a laugh as I handed her the drinks and took the money from them. “Have a nice day” I smiled as she left before I burst out laughing and so did Laura.

“You my friend, are amazing!” I laughed and high-fived her, “Did you see the way she was looking a her nails and standing like a prick” Laura sneered and I laughed at her.

Our shift finished half an hour early as Kim, Sarah and Chris had started their shift and it was practically dead so we left (Coffee In hand) and walked down to Boots where Taylor should be finishing soon. “Hey Sue” I smiled as we walked past one of the cashier ladies that we always see, “Hiya girls, Taylor’s just finishing up now” she smiled, “Thank you” I smiled back as we waved to her. “Ew what are you doing here?” Taylor turned her nose up at us so we both hit her, “I'm kidding, I'm kidding!” She laughed. “You’ll never guess who came into Costa today and what Laura did to her” I said and we both chuckled thinking about it, “Oh dear, What did she do?” Taylor asked, looking worried. “Well Dionne came in and started being all bitchy as she is so when Laura was making her Latte she started spitting in it” I said and Taylor burst out laughing, “You didnt?” she laughed, “Oh I did” Laura replied and we all laughed.

It took about half an hour to walk home and Tanya and Alex were already home, dancing alone to ‘How ya doin’ by Little Mix, “This is ma jam!” I called and we all ran in and started dancing like idiots and singing along to it.

“So, fancy pizza for dinner?” Taylor said, “Yeah why not” we shrugged, “Alright, I’ll order dominoes then” She said and went into the kitchen to order.

We were watching Hollyoaks again when my phone went off

Unknown number:

Don’t think I didn’t notice you’re sarcastic little act back there. And don’t think I will ignore it

“Errm Guys” I said and they all turned round, “Dionne may just hate me a little more” I said, “What are you talking about?” Tanya asked, I showed them the text and all their mouths turned into little ‘o’ shapes. “Yep” I sighed, “Just ignore it, she’s trying to be threatening but it’s not working” Laura soothed, “I guess” I sighed again. “If she does it again let us know okay?” Tanya said and I nodded in agreement. Oh good, more shit to add to my life

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