Oh Sh*t

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2 months later

2 months. Its been 2 months since Nathan left. 2 months since he last spoke to me. The boys have been making a lot of effort to make me feel better but that doesn’t change the fact that I am over halfway through the pregnancy and the father refuses to talk to me. I’ve tried calling, texting, everything. I even just turned up at his house but once he opened the door to see me standing there he scowled at me and closed the door in my face. It was beginning to really affect me and I don’t even know why, it’s not like we were together and now he’s left me, but it feels as if that’s what has happened and I cant help but notice the big whole in my chest that I couldn’t explain.

I sighed as I swung my legs out of bed and stood up, stretching my hands above my head before pulling my t-shirt back over my now rather large bump. I quickly showered before doing my hair and makeup like I always do, “Babe there’s someone here to see you” Tanya said from the doorway, clearly trying to hold back a grin. “Who?” I asked, “Come with me and see” She winked and grabbed my hand, pushing me towards the stairs. I walked down the stairs but couldn’t see anyone, “Where are they?” I asked her, “Living room” she said, pushing me towards it and dashing back upstairs.

I pushed open the door and say the last person I was expecting to see, sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands. “Nath?” I whispered, he looked up and he looked a mess. His hair was scruffy and un-styled, he had massive bags under his eyes, stubble around his mouth and he was just wearing trackies and a baggy top. “Nath are you okay? I asked, sitting down next to him on the sofa and putting my hand on his back.

“You were right” he mumbled, “What are you talking about?” I asked, “Dionne, she admitted everything” he mumbled and a tear rolled down his cheek. “Nath I'm so sorry” I soothed, “Why are you sorry? You tried to  warn me and in return I treated you like shit. I'm such a fool” he sniffed, “No you’re not, she manipulative and a cow” I tried to make him feel better, “I feel so embaressed.” He shook his head. I didn’t know what else to say so I just rubbed his back soothingly. “I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have come here like this asking for sympathy after the way I’ve been treating you” he shook his head and got up from the sofa. “No Nath, it’s fine.” I grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving and we both just stood there in silence as I held onto his hand.

I coughed awkwardly and let go of his hand, causing it to fall back at his side, “How about I take you out to dinner to make up for it?” he asked, “erm” I thought about it, “Just as friends” he assured, “Alright then” I smiled. “is tonight good?” he asked, “Um, yeah sure”, “I’ll pick you up at seven then” he smiled, “Alright, bye” I smiled back, “Goodbye” he kissed my cheek quickly before heading out of the door.

I sighed and then all the girls suddenly burst in, “We’re taking you shopping come on!” Alex said and laura grabbed my hand as they dragged me out of the door and into the car where Tanya drove us to the big mall.

“What about this? Its gorgeous!” Alex gushed lifting up a silver, sparkly bodycon dress, “That will never fit over my bump!” I said, “Oh yeah. Shame” She sighed, “Why don’t you get it?” I suggested, “Yes!” She grinned.

“This ones nice!” Taylor said holding up a white lace dress that was see-through above the bust and was flowing, knee length and had a peach fler pattern on the bottom, “Or this one?” Laura said picking out white lace skater dress with three quarter length sleeves that you could see through and it had a thin brown belt around the middle, “I love them both!” I said, looking between the two, “Go and try them on!” Taylor said pushing me into the changing rooms and handing me the dresses.

“I like this one more I think” I said as I twirled in front of the mirror, “I agree” Alex grinned, “me too” the others all agreed. So I got Laura’s option and Tanya then picked out some brown, heeled brogues to wear with it. “Perfect!” I grinned as we headed to costa to get some coffee’s and headed home. 

Once we got through the door the girls ushered me upstairs and into the shower ordering me not to come out till I was perfect and smelling of roses. Once I was showered I put on my dressing gown and headed back into my room where the girls were all standing, armed with make-up and hair straightners and all sorts of other things. “Don’t you think you’re putting a bit too much effort into this?” I asked, “Never” Laura grinned, “It’s nothing big! Just two friends going out for dinner” I protested, “Well you wont be ‘just friends’ for long now that Dickhead is out of the way” Laura winked, “Oh whatever, do what you want” I rolled my eyes and giggled slightly.

“Spin” Alex ordered and I did as I was told, “Perfecto!” She grinned. They had done my hair into a loose side plait and had done my make-up really natural. “Wait!” Alex said and grabbed my Dolce and Gabbana perfume, spraying me a few times. “Finished” She grinned. Just then there was a knock at the door, “I’ll get it!” Taylor grinned and skipped downstairs. I could hear muffled voices before the others headed downstairs, me in tail.

“You look amazing!” Nath smiled as I got downstairs. He was wearing suit trousers with a white shirt, black tie and black blazer with the sleeves rolled up. “You don’t look too bad yourself” I teased, “And you got your hair cut too” I pointed out, “I felt like a change” he shrugges, “Well I like it” I smiled, “You ready to go then?” he asked, “Yep” I smiled and we said goodbye to the girls as we left. He held open the car door for me as I climbed in and shut it behind me before walking round to get in the other side.

He drove us about half an hour away till we pulled up outside a cute little Italian restaurant where Nath came and opened my door for me again. He held out his hand and I took it as he helped me out of the car and he didnt let go until we got into the restaurant.

The waiter took us to our seats and we sat down as he handed us our drinks menus. He took our orders before dashing off to the kitchen. “So..” I said, “Thank you for coming out with me tonight” he smiled, “My pleasure” I giggled, “I have something for you as a sort of sorry present” he said as he reached into the inside of his blazer and pulled out a jewellery box, handing it to me over the table. “You didn’t have to do that” I said, “I did. After treating you the way I did, you deserve so much more” he sighed, “Well this was good enough for me” I smiled. I opened up the box and inside was black leather Pandora bracelet with one little charm on it which was a little heart, “Nath” I gasped, “This is too much!” I protested, “No it’s not. You deserve it after everything I’ve put you through” he smiled, “Thank you so much” I grinned, “Here, gimme your wrist” he said and I reached my hand across the table and handed him the bracelet which he fastened around my wrist. “I love it. Thank you” I smiled just as the waiter came back with our food.

Once we had finished Nath guided me out of the restaurant and back towards the car, where he opened the door for me again. We drove back and he walked me to the door, “Thank you for tonight, it was amazing” I smiled, he simply smiled in return and placed a quick kiss on my cheek before heading back to his car, waving as he drove away.

I pushed open the door and all the girls were standing there grinning at me. Laura’s eyes quickly darted to my wrist and she slapped her hand across her mouth, grinning. “He got you that?!” She gasped, “Yeah, it was a sorry present for the way he treated me” I smiled, “Aww!” they all gushed. “I'm going to bed, I'm shattered. Night girls” I smiled and headed up to bed.

I think I may actually be falling for him. Oh shit.

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