We'll work this out

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"No your not. You can't be" He stuttered, "I am" I sighed, "How are you sure it's mine though?" He asked, "You're the only person I've slept with recently. I never have one-night stands and I'm not in a relationship" I said "But didn't we use protection?" he asked "Well obviously not! Look Nathan, if you don't want to be a part of our baby's life then that's up to you but I'm going to do this. With or without you" I snapped, "I'm sorry, I do want to be a part of this baby's life and I'm going to help you. We'll work this out" He sighed and put his head in his hands, pulling on his hair. "But Nathan, I'm petrified! We've only ever met once and now we're having a child together" I mumbled, wiping the tears away with my sleeve. "Come on, we'll go back to my house and talk about this" he said and got up, putting his arm around my waist as we walked out and he called a taxi.

We got back to what I'm guessing was his flat and he let us in, "I'll go and put the kettle on, make yourself comfortable" he said and walked into another room. I went and sat on the sofa and text Tanya to let her know where I was. Nathan came walking back in and handed me a cup of tea, "So how are we going to work this out?" I asked, "Well it's going to be hard, really hard. But I want to be there for you and the baby. We can't tell the public about this but maybe we can tell them that you're my cousin and you're pregnant with your ex's baby and I'm helping you out?" He said, "I guess that could work. But Nathan, You've got such a good life ahead of you and an amazing career and I don't want to hold you back! And what will your girlfriend think?" I sighed, "Beth, we made this baby together and I'm not going to let you do this alone. I want this" he smiled. "You're being so calm about this but we hardly know each other" I said, "Alright then, lets play twenty questions" he shrugged, "Okay" I agreed.

"Okay, favourite colour?" he asked, "Purple, you?" I replied, "Red" he grinned, "Favourite animal?" I asked, "Cats, you?" he said, "Cats!" I agreed. We played that for about an hour asking various common questions and Nath also said that he would take me to the doctors tomorrow for the check up.

As I laid in bed that night at Tanya's I finally felt as if everything would work out.

The next day I headed back home to tell my mum and dad the news, "Mum, Dad, I'm home!" I called as I walked in. "You finally decided to come home then" My mum said as she came downstairs, "Yeah, I stayed at Tanya's. Look, is dad home? I have something to tell you both" I said, "Yeah, he's in the kitchen" she replied. I nodded and followed her into the kitchen where I sat opposite them both at the table.

"So what is it you have to tell us?" Mum asked, "Well you know me and the girls all spent two weeks in Ibiza?" I asked, "Yeah" they nodded, "Well I met this guy and well, we ended up sleeping together and I think I may be p-pregnant" I mumbled, "WHAT?!" Dad shouted, "Dad please" I whimpered, "I'm taking you straight to the doctors to get rid of it" Dad said, "What? No! I'm keeping it!" I protested, "Not under my roof you're not!" My dad growled, "Mum please" I whimpered and started crying, "Well there's no need to cry about it" Mum said. "I cant believe you both! You're meant to be my parents and stand by me no matter what I do!" I defended, "I'm not being a part of you throwing your life away" Mum said. "Fine, I'm leaving then" I growled and stormed upstairs.

I grabbed my suitcases and threw in just the things I needed, the rest I will come back for when my 'parents' weren't in. I stormed back downstairs and out the door, without any attempt of stopping me from my so called parents.

I called Tanya as I walked downstairs and she said she'll get the spare room ready for me. The usually ten minute walk ended up taking an hour as I walked aimlessly round the streets of London with tears pouring down my cheeks. I only decided to start heading to Tanya's when the heavens opened and it poured down with rain.

"Where the fuck have you been?! You were meant to be here an hour ago! I was really worried!" Tanya shouted at me and smacked me round the back of the head. "I'm sorry, I wanted to let off some steam" I sighed. "Love have you been crying again?" She asked, "No" I mumbled, "Babe I can see right through you and your eyes are all red and puffy. Now go and get changed, you're soaking and Nathan will be here to take you to the doctors later.

I nodded and dragged my suitcase into the spare room and pulled off my wet clothes and jumped into the shower. Once I was done I climbed out and dried off, throwing on some leggings and a baggy pullover and fuffy socks and my grey ugg boots.

"Beth, Nathan's here!" Tanya called as I was pulling my hair up into a messy bun. I sighed as I looked at my puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks before heading out to find Nathan. "Have you been crying?" he asked as he saw me "Long story. Can we please go?" I said, he nodded and I waved goodye to Tanya as I climbed into Nathan's car and we drove in silence the whole twenty minute drive to the doctors.

"Miss Jones?" The doctor. Me and Nathan got up and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before he followed me into the room after the doctor. "So you're here to find out if you're pregnant right?" He asked and gave Nathan a weird look, "Can you do it?" Nathan asked him, "Well of course I can. Aren't you Nathan Sykes from The Wanted?" The doctor asked, "Yes. Why?" Nathan asked, "Aren't you going out with Dionne Bromfield?" he asked again. "Yes I am. Can you get on with it please" Nathan snapped. "Yes, of course, sorry" The doctor said and Nathan nodded before the doctor set up all the equipment. "If you can just lay down here and I'll bring the nurse in" The doctor smiled and walked out. "Maybe this whole cousin thing is going to be more difficult than we thought" I sighed, "It'll be fine" Nathan reassured me.

The nurse soon came walking in, "Hi, you must be Miss Valentine" She said and stuck her hand out to me, "Yes I am" I smiled, "Now this will be really cold" She warned before applying a dollop of cold, green, gooey liquid on my stomach and rubbing it in with the monitor thingy. Nathan held onto my hand and smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well..?" I asked, "Yep, you're deffinatly pregnant. You see that little blob there?" She said and we both nodded, "That's your baby" She smiled at us. We both stared at the screen before I felt a drop on my head. I looked up to see Nathan crying, "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad" he smiled, "Despite the circumstances" I giggled slightly, "Well, yeah" he laughed and kissed the top of my head.

"I promise I will step up and be a dad to the baby" He smiled, "Thank you Nathan" I smiled back. "We kinda need to speak to Dionne and the boys though" he added. "Well why don't you tell Dionne as she has the right to know first and then we will get all the boys and girls together to tell them?" I suggested. "You're free to go now, I will book you in for another appointment three weeks from now to find out your due date and to sort everything out" The nurse said. "Thank you" I smiled and pulled my top down and we headed out. "Here's your scan pictures" She smiled and handed us each the picture. We both just stood staring at it for a while before the doctor came in and we had to leave.

"Well I'll drop you off back at Tanya's and then and then you can all head down to mine and I'll invite the boys over" Nathan said, "Sure" I smiled and we climbed into the car.

We pulled up outside Tanya's and I jumped out, "Good luck!" I laughed and waved goodbye to Nathan as he drove away. "Tanya I'm back!" I said as I walked in, "We're in the lounge!" She called back. I took off my shoes and walked into the lounge where all of the girls where sitting. "Oh good, you're all here" I said, "Why?" Laura asked, "We're going for a group meeting with Nathan and his group and his girlfriend to discuss everything" I said. "Have you got pictures?" Taylor asked, "Yeah" I grinned and sat down between them all and they all crowded round looking at the picture. "Aww" they all cooed.

Once we were done talking about everything I got a text through from Nathan telling me to come over with the girls. "Come on, we're going to Nathan's" I said, "Am I driving?" Tanya asked, "Yes please" smiled, "Alright then" She said, "Thank you" I smiled and we all headed to Nathan's. I wonder how Dionne reacted...

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