Cheer Up

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The next day the girls were all going out with Tom, Jay, Max and Siva so I was left at home on my own so I decided to do some housework. I put my iphone into the dock and put some music on. Firework by Katy Perry came on and I sang along to it as I mopped the kitchen floor.

“Baby you’re a firework” I sang along and then another voice joined in, “Come on let your colours burst” then another voice “Make ‘em go, oh, oh, oh.” And then another “You’re gonna leave ‘em falling down”. I turned around and all the girls were standing there, “Boom boom boom. Even brighter than the moon moon moon” Another four mens voices joined in. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked as I paused the music, “We felt bad for leaving you here alone and so we decided to have a group date” Jay grinned, “You didn’t have to! I don’t want to get in the way of your plans” I protested, “It’s fine, we can help you clean!” Tom cheered and the guys all gave him a weird look, “That is fine by me” I laughed, “Ah what the hell, Gimme some” Jay said grabbing the mop and doing some stupid dance with it as he cleaned the floor.

“Tom what have you done?!” I half shouted, half laughed as I saw Tom laying in the bath upside-down and covered in bubbles, “I was cleaning the walls and may have slipped?” he said more like a question and gave me that ‘oopsie’ look. “Oh dear lord” I said and burst out laughing. “Will you stop laughing at me?!” he shouted in mock hurt and gave me puppy dog eyes, “Oh fine” I laughed and reached my hand out to help him out. “Cheers babe” he grinned and shook, sending bubbles everywhere, covering me. “You little shit” I growled, “You love me really” he grinned, I scowled at him and his eyes widened as I lunged at him and he legged it out of the room, running down the stairs as I chased after him.

We came skidding into the kitchen where he jumped behind Siva, “Whoa whoa whoa, What’s going on here?” he chuckled, “Well Dipshit here decided to clean the bath and he fell, getting covered in the cleaning products so I helped him out and he thanked me by covering me in bubbles” I said crossing my arms, “Well in that case..” Siva said stepping aside and pushing Tom towards me. I jumped on him and he fell on the floor as I pinned him down. “What the fuck is going on in here?” Laura laughed as her and the girls all walked in, “This little shit covered me in bubbles” I pouted and Tom grinned, “Baby please help me?” Tom pouted to Tanya, “No way, you deserve it. Besides she’s pregnant and full of all sorts of hormones... I aint getting involved” She said, raising her hands in surrender and walking over to the sink, making herself a glass of water.

“Won’t anyone help me out here?” Tom complained, “No” everyone chorused at the same time. “Well then” he said sarcastically. “Tom are you ticklish?” I asked and his eyes widened, “Noo..” he said suspiciously, I smirked at him, “Dont you dare!” he warned, I raised my eyebrow and then moved my hands down his arms till I got to his sides and started tickling him as he wriggled about laughing.

“Beth...s-stop...i...cant..breath” He gasped inbetween laughs, “Nah, I think I’ll carry on” I shrugged and tickled him harder. Everyone was laughing at Tom and Siva got out the flip camera and started filming it. “” He gasped again, “Please..stop!” He added. I laughed and rolled off of him as he doubled over, holding his sides. “Bitch” he mumbled and I scowled at him again and he raised his hands in surrender and got up off the floor as he went over to Tanya and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

“So, wanna go out for lunch?” I asked the others, “Yeah why not” Alex shrugged from her position on Max’s lap. “Nando’s?” I asked, “Go for it” Jay agreed and the others nodded in agreement. “Let’s go then, I'm starving” I grinned. “You’re really happy today, It’s nice” Taylor smiled as she walked next to me, behind the others, “Well I’ve kind of pushed the Nathan thing to the back of my mind and had fun with the people that matter” I smiled, “It;s good to have the old Beth back” She grinned and gave me an awkward side hug, “Good because your mood-swings are starting to give me whiplash. One minute you’re happy as anything and the next you’re having a mental breakdown and sobbing” She added, “Yeah sorry about that” I chuckled and we jogged slightly to catch up with the others.

We got in and the guys had put sunglasses and hats on so that they wouldn’t get noticed and they gave us a table at the back corner so we were in a more discreet place. “How the fuck are you eating so much?” Tom asked, shocked, “I'm feeding two now!” I said pointing to my stomach, “The baby is hardly even more than a blob, it doesn’t eat much!” He said, “Well I'm really hungry as well!” I protested and he rolled his eyes. “She can eat for England I wouldn’t worry about it” Taylor said, “Where do you put it all?” Jay asked, “meh” I shrugged and took another massive bite out of my chicken and they all laughed at me, “oh shut up” I laughed.

“Jay get off of there, you will fall!” I said to Jay as he perched on the bin outside acting like spiderman, “No I wo-“ He got cut off as he fell and face planted the floor making us all burst out laughing. “Oww” he complained as he rubbed his nose, “Oh shit, I think you’ve broken your nose” I gasped as I saw his nose all crooked and bleeding, “What?” he asked, placing his hand under his nose and wiping some of the blood away and looking at it, “Oh yeah” he said and then went to pinch his nose but winced in pain. “Well that was inevitable” Tom chuckled, “Come on, let’s get you to the hospital then” I said and grabbed his hand as I hailed a taxi.

“Well you have broken it so I'm going to have to push it back into place” The doctor said as he examined his nose, “It’s going to hurt a bit, just a warning” he added, “Okay, just go for it” Jay said and squeezed his eyes shut, gripping the arm rests of the chair. “Ok, 3..2..1..” I heard a crunch and a whine from Jay and the doctor stepped back, “I'm just going to clean up the blood and then put a support bandage over it to keep it in place which you can take off in about three days.

Once we were done we walked out of the room and the others were waiting outside, “He’s put it back into place” I said as we walked out. The guys then all started laughing at the white plaster type things across Jay’s nose. “Oh shut up” he groaned and walked ahead of us in mock upset. I laughed and we all followed him out to where Big Kev was waiting with the van to drive us all home.

“Hey Jay, smile” Siva said and put his phone up as Jay turned round, snapping a picture of him. “That’s going straight on twitter” He winked, “Oh for fuck sake” He sighed. Siva typed a few things on his phone before placing it on his lap and chuckling slightly to himself. I opened up my phone and went onto his twitter and looking at his latest tweet.

@SivaTheWanted: @Jaythewanted had a little ‘accident’ today after lunch #Fool *Attatched photo*

I laughed to myself as I read it and retweeted it.

We got back to the house at about four o clock and decided on having a movie night.

“Jay for the last time WE ARE NOT WATCHING AVATAR” I said and the others joined in at the end, “I think I deserve it after this” he sad pointing to his nose. “Whatever. Move over so I can pick a decent film for us to watch” I said and pushed him to the side. “Well that was mean” he pouted and folded his arms across his chest, “Oh shush” I said and he tutted sarcastically and crawled across to where Laura was sitting, “Don’t come whining to me, I'm with her” She said and he gasped in mock shock. We all rolled our eyes at him and then I pulled out Grown Ups for us to watch.

Siva and Max got up and went to make some popcorn and gets drinks whilst the rest of us got comfy before we all settled down for the night, watching the film.


“I just realised you’re the only one on your own” Alex piped up half-way through the film, “No, I have this little one to keep me company” I joked pointing to my stomach, “We should take you out to find a man! We could go to the club and pick one out!” She grinned, “Yeah because it’s so easy to find a nineteen-ish year old looking for a pregnant girlfriend” I joked, “Oh yeah” she said, “You really don’t think sometimes do you?” I chuckled, “I do!” She protested and we all gave her a look to say ‘Really?’ and she pouted. “Aw baby, don’t worry about it! I still love you!” Max said and started playing with her ear. The rest of us laughed slightly before getting back into the film.

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