Why does my life have to be such a mess?

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The next day the boys all left early in the morning to go to the studio so the rest of us decided to go shopping for the day.

"Help me buy something for my date with Siva" Taylor said and grabbed our hands and pulling us into Lipsy. "Oh and mine for Max" Alex said, "And mine with Jay" Laura said, "I really need to get out" I said as I realised I was the last one of us without a boyfriend.

"This Is perfect!" Alex said to Taylor, pulling out a turquoise dress that was lace at the top and flowing at the bottom. "Love it!" She grinned, "And you can wear these with it" Tanya said, holding up a pair of white heels. "Perfect!" Taylor grinned and took them both.

"Now we need to get you an outfit" I said to Laura, and started scanning the rails till I found a cream dress that was fitted at the top and was then layered on the bottom half and short at the front and longer at the back. "With these" Tanya added holding up some silver heels. "Perfect" I grinned and we handed them both to her, "Now it's your turn" I said to Alex and we all scanned the rails again looking for the perfect outfit. "This!" Tanya shouted as she pulled out a grey dress with thick straps that crossed at the back and a silver diamante band around the middle and then the bottom was slightly pleated and slightly flared. "With these" I added holding up a pair of silver heels.

Once they had all chosen their outfits we paid and then headed down to La Senza where they all had to buy some more nice underwear. Of course.

"You know, You'll have to start buying baby clothes soon" Laura winked at me, "Not for ages yet" I replied, "Beth you don't seem very excited about the baby" She sighed, "I am it's just everything is so complicated, it's hard to be excited" I sighed, "Well maybe once the bitch he calls his girlfriend has gotten what she deserves then you and Nath might be an item" She winked, "Laura-" I was cut off by a voice coming from behind me, "I don't think so".

We both turned round to see Dionne and her friend from Costa standing there, "And why not? You don't deserve him" Laura spat, "Because I'm not done with him yet. And what would he want with a slut like you who goes and sleeps with strangers and gets pregnant" She spat back, "Don't you dare talk about her like that!" Tanya said as she came out of the shop, "What are you gonna do about it?" She laughed as all of the others came out, "Ill tell you what im gonna do" Tanya said and went to take a swing at her but Alex and Taylor grabbed her before she did and Dionne just started laughing again.

"Anyway, I've got much better things to be doing that entertaining you tramps so see you soon" She winked and strutted past us, shoving me slightly with her shoulder on the way past. "She needs a good kick in the teeth" Tanya spat, "She needs more than that" Taylor growled, "tell me about it" I agreed, "Are you okay?" Laura asked me, "As okay as I'll ever be" I sighed, "Why does my life have to be such a mess?" I sighed, "Don't say that! And don't let that bitch ruin our day, come and enjoy yourself and forget about her" She said and wrapped me in a hug. I nodded and we left to head home.

We got in and all the girls were trying on their outfits for their first dates but I wasn't really paying attention, my mind was elsewhere. "Beth are you sure you're okay?" Taylor asked, "Yeah I'm sure" I lied and faked a smile, "You don't seem it" She sighed, "Yeah, like I've said before, We can see straight through that fake smile of yours" Laura added, "Look, I'm going to go and stay with my Auntie and Uncle for a few days. You all look great by the way" I said and went to stand up but they blocked my way, "What do you mean you're going to stay with your Auntie and Uncle for a while?" Tanya asked, "I just need to get away for a bit that's all" I shrugged, "Fine, but promise you will come back? and wont do anything stupid?" Alex asked, "I promise" I smiled. "Alright then" They agreed.

I got up from the sofa once they had finally agreed to let me go and quickly text my auntie asking if it was okay to come and stay for a while and she happily agreed so I quickly packed my bags with a weeks worth of clothes.

I zipped up my suitcase and shoved it under my bed before throwing on my pyjamas and climbing into bed.

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