Can you keep a secret?

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We spent the rest of the day at Nathan’s and all the girls and guys were really hitting it off, it made me wish things hadn’t gone the way they did with me and Nathan so I wouldn’t be stuck in this mess. Dionne spent the whole night glued to Nathan’s hip and sucking on his face and the others kept to themselves so I spent most of time sitting on my own, dwelling on my thoughts.

Dionne would give me death glares every time we made eye contact and it was really beginning to bug me. Don’t get me wrong, she has every right to be mad at me for getting pregnant with her boyfriends baby but that’s not even why she’s mad and she’s doing such a bad thing to Nath which will probably crush him and I don’t want to see him hurt, he means a lot to me now and he deserves so much more than her.

That night I lay in bed, restless, thinking about what Dionne said. I cant let her do this to Nath, He’ll be devastated but I also cant risk her hurting my baby. What do I do? If I keep it to myself she could hurt Nath or anyone else but if I tell him A- he might not believe me and it could make him hate me which I really don’t need right now and B- She could hurt either me, one of the girls or lads or she could even hurt or kill my baby. Why did I have to sleep with him? I don’t even know why I did, I never normally do that. In fact, that’s the first time it has happened. And with a taken, famous, fertile man. Nice one Beth, Smooth move.

I laid awake all night not being able to sleep with loads of thought flowing through my mind and by six o clock I decided it was late enough to get up so I went and made myself some breakfast and ate it as I watched Doctor Dolittle on the TV. Tanya was still asleep when the film had finished so I had a shower and got ready while I waited for her to get up.

I was sitting on my bed straightening my hair when I heard the door open and Tanya came in, “Beth can I talk to you?” She asked, “Yeah what’s up?” I asked as she climbed onto the bed next to me, “It’s about Tom” She said. I turned my straighteners off as I was finised anyway and turned to face her, “What about him?” I asked, “Well, we really hit it off today and I really think I like him and he’s asked me to go on a date with him this weekend” She said, “So go” I urged, “But don’t you think it’s too soon? We’ve only met once” She said, I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at her, “What?” She asked completely obliviously, “I'm pregnant with the baby of a famous pop star who’s In a long term relationship with someone who I met drunkenly and had a one night stand with. I think you’re going to be fine” I said, “Oh yeah” she laughed, “So I should go for it?” She asked, “Yes!” I laughed, “Okay then, I’ll do it. But you have to help me decided what to wear!” She said, “Of course I will” I smiled, “Thank you so much!” She said and began typing away on her phone. I rolled my eyes at her, “Tanya?” I said, “Yeah?” she asked, “Can you keep a secret?” I asked her, “Yeah, What’s up?” she asked, looking concerned, “It’s Dionne” I said. “What about her?” she asked, cocking her head to one side, “She’s using Nath for fame and is threatening me that if I tell anyone she will kill the baby” I blurted out and began crying. “What? I thought she didn’t mind? I thought you two got on well?” She asked, “No, when we went outside she said she didn’t care that Nathan got me pregnant and that she was just using him to get her fame and if I get in the way of her plan she will hurt me or kill the baby” I sobbed. “Look, Nathan can handle it. We cant tell anyone otherwise you could get hurt or the baby and any added stress will hurt the baby. Just relax and let her get on with it, we know now so we can keep an eye on her but Nathan is a grown man. Just about.” We laughed slightly before she continued, “And when she’s finished with her little plan, we will be there for him and he’ll have a baby to focus his attention on and he will realise what sort of person she is. Everything will be fine” She finished and gave me a reassuring hug. “Thanks Tanya” I smiled, “Anytime” She smiled and wiped away my tears with her thumb.

“Now come on, let’s go and get the rest of your stuff from your parents house and bring it all here” She said and grabbed my hand, pulling me off of the bed.

She drove us to the house and my their cars were outside meaning they were in. “Great” I mumbled, “It’ll be fine, ill come with you” Tanya said and climbed out of the car.

We walked up the drive way and I let us in with my key that I still had, “I'm here to get the rest of my stuff” I said blankly as I walked past my mum. “What do you mean?” She asked, “Well you made it pretty clear you don’t want me here anymore so I'm moving in with Tanya” I shrugged. “Why can’t you just get rid of the baby? It was a drunken mistake and it’s never going to get a proper life” My mum said and my blood started to boil, “Don’t you dare tell me what to do. This baby is going to get as good a life as any and I am going to do the best I can to ensure it gets a good life. How could you be so heartless about your own grandchild?!” I shouted at her, “That’s no grandchild of mine, my grandchild would be planned and born into wedlock, not conceived on a drunken one night stand on holiday” She said. “You bitch” I growled and stormed up the stairs and into my room and started throwing things into boxes. “Beth you need to calm down before you get too stressed” Tanya said and put her hand on my arm, “How could she say such a thing?!” I hissed, “Well that’s her loss but you need to calm down, for the baby’s sake” She said, I sighed and nodded as I tried to controle my temper as I packed all my things and Tanya helped me take them to her car.

I didn’t bother saying goodbye to my so called parents and I just stormed out, throwing my key on the unit by the door on my way out.

The drive back was silent except from the sound of the radio which Tanya had put on quietly. “How about me, you, Laura, Taylor and Alex all move In together?” Tanya suggested, “That was a bit random” I frowned, “Actually, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and I thought it would be fun” She shrugged. “Have you spoken to the others about it?” I asked, “Well only briefly but I think they like the idea” She said. “Alright then” I smiled. “There’s that smile we all love” She winked and I laughed at her.

Just then our favourite song came on, ‘How ya doin’ by Little Mix and we both looked at each other with that look and I turned it up as we both started singing along at the top of our voices. All five of us girls were pretty decent singers but none of us were that interested in pursuing it as sa career, it just didn’t really interest us.

By the time we got back we were both exhausted and just left my stuff in my room to sort out tomorrow. “I'm going to invite the girls over and we’ll have a movie night” Tanya said and went to call the girls.

They all arrived about 15 minutes later dressed in their onesies and with bags of ice-cream, pop-corn, chocolate, drinks and films.“Girls night in!” Alex cheered and we all laughed. We put on white chicks first and ate loads of the food as we joined in with some of the funny lines since we knew it all as we had watched it so many times and laughed so much. Then we put on Mean Girls which is  such a classic but half way through we ended up talking about buying a flat together.

“Oh my god that’s a great idea!” Alex grinned, “We will need one near to Nathan for Beth’s sake as well as the rest of the boys” Taylor said and I rolled my eyes at her feeble attempt to cover up the fact that she just wanted to be nearer to Siva. “Oh come on, It’s clear you all want to move closer to your lover boys and not just because of me and Nathan” I laughed and they all blushed. “Well it’s agreed then, We’ll go out looking for houses tomorrow then” Laura grinned and we all cheered. “How on earth am I going to cope?” I asked sarcastically, “You love us really!” Laura grinned and jumped on me so she was laying on me and looked up at me innocently and then Tanya thought it would be a good idea to shout bundle and all the others jumped on top squashing me.

“Shit guys get off!” Laura shouted and they all jumped up, “We really need to remember that” Taylor pointed out as they all remembered I was pregnant now so they cant jump on me. "Aw i love you guys so much!" i grinned, "Ew, i hate you" Taylor said and screwed her face up, "Well i was talking to the others anyway" i said and stuck my toungue out at her, "Aw im kidding!" She said and i winked at her.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies in our onesies till we fell asleep.

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