i love you

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I grinned as I saw all the lads and girls standing in front of me with cheesy party hats and those streamer things that you blow on and make those annoying noises. “What is going on?” I half asked, half laughed. “Well, while you’ve been in hospital, I bought a flat and all the lads and girls chipped in for everything in here for the baby. We wanted to surprise you after everything you went through” Nath smiled and put his hand on the small of my back. A tear rolled down my cheek, “Thank you guys so much” I grinned and opened my arms for a group hug which they all happily joined.

“Let me give little Oliver a proper cuddle then!” Alex grinned and Nath took him out of his car seat, handing him to her. She sat on the sofa playing with him for an hour before she had to give him back because he was crying. “You want me to do it?” Nath offered, “Nah it’s okay, you can help though?” I said and he nodded. “Back in a minute guys” I said as I carried Oliver upstairs into the room Nathan guided me into. “Wow” I gasped as I looked around. The walls were painted a baby blue colour and there was a white cot in the corner with a moses basket placed in it and baby blue bedding in it. There was a chest of drawers at the bottom of the bed and a changing table on the opposite end of the room. There was also a balcony type window that had loads of pillows on it and a rocking chair beside it. “This is beautiful!” I gushed, “Are you sure you like it? We can change it if you don’t” Nath said, “No it’s perfect” I grinned.

We quickly changed Oliver’s nappy and gave him a bottle and he soon fell asleep. Nath placed him in the moses basket and we stood watching him so a second, “He’s perfect” I cooed, “He is” Nath agreed and turned to face me. I turned around to face him and he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him so we were almost touching. “I meant what I said earlier” he said, “Me too” I smiled and he leaned down, connecting our lips in the best kiss I have experienced. He pulled me closer so our bodies were pushed together and wrapped his arms tighter around me whilst I wrapped my fingers in his hair.

We were kissing for a while before there was a faint knock and someone walked in, “Oh, sorry” we pulled away and turned to see Siva standing in he doorway rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I blushed and I think Nath was blushing beside me. “I was just coming to see if everything was okay.. but I think its fine” Siva winked and I blushed harder, “We’re just coming” I said and he nodded before walking out again. “Well that was sufficiently awkward” I chuckled, “Just slightly” Nath agreed. “So where does this leave us?” I asked, “What do you mean?” Nath asked, confused. “I mean, are we together now or..?” I asked, “If you want to be?” he blushed, “I do” I smiled, “Me too”.

Nath kissed me one more time quickly before turning on the baby monitor which was sat next to the cot and taking my hand, leading me out of the room. We walked back downstairs and everyone was whispered like mad men which stopped instantly as we came into view, “What’s going on?” I asked with a little suspicion as I saw Siva shuffled awkwardly in the corner. Tom looked between me and Nath and then looked at our entwined hands, “Are you two fucking?” he blurted out and everyone burst out laughing. Once we had calmed down enough to talk, Nath guided me over to the last remaining chair and pulled me down onto his lap, “Erm, no we aren’t but we are together now” Nath said and I felt him squeeze me slightly. “Aww finally! You two have been destined to be together from the start!” Laura burst out grinning, “What do you mean?” I asked, “We all agree with what your auntie saying about fate” Taylor winked. I rolled my eyes and laughed before yawing.

“Tired?” Nath chuckled and I nodded, “We were all gonna head off anyway, we have a house to move out of” Tanya grinned and Tom, who was standing behind her with his arms around her waist, squeezed her whilst he also grinned. “What?” I asked, “We’re all moving out” Alex said, “But the lads only just got the pool, “Well yeah, we’re moving there” Laura shrugged and I laughed. “Aw I'm so happy for you guys!” I grinned, “We’ve turned Nath’s room into a spare room just for you guys too so you can visit!” Alex grinned.

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