The babys coming!

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“Beth what’s wrong?” Nath gasped, rushing to my side as I doubled over, falling to the floor. “Th-the baby” I gasped and a look of horror swept across Nath’s face “B-but it’s not due for over two more months” he gasped, “Shit shit shit” he mumbled, “TOM MAX SIVA JAY ANYONE” He shouted, fear evident in his voice. The boys soon came rushing in, “What happened?” Jay asked, “I think she’s gone into labour! Call an ambulance!” he panicked, “I'm on the phone now” Siva said, “Breathe babe, you need to breathe” Nath tried to reassure me as he held onto one side of my body, Tom the other side and Taylor sitting in front of me trying to help calm me down.

The ambulance soon arrived and Tom helped Nath get me into the wheelchair that they had brought in. “Only one of you can come in, who’s the father?” the paramedic asked, “I am” Nath stuttered, slightly raising his shaking hand. “You can come in the ambulance, the rest of you will have to make your own way there” he said and the lads all nodded as I was wheeled away, Nathan in tow.

“Good luck!” Siva shouted just as the doors of the ambulance closed and we headed off. “ Everything’s going to be okay” Nath tried to reassure me and he took hold of my hand, “What if s-something happens to the baby?” I panted, “Nothing is going to happen the baby, you just need to stay calm and breathe” he said, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. Another pain shot across my stomach and I squeezed on Nath’s hand, causing him to wince and screw his face up. “Thanks” I breathed apologetically, “No problem” he gasped and I giggled slightly.

10 minutes later and I was being wheeled into the hospital room. “I'm just going to run some quick checks, I need you to try your best to stay calm and answer the questions” the nurse said and I nodded. “It seems you have deffinatly gone into labour” she said as she felt my stomach, pressing in different places. “have you experienced any stress or emotional strain in the past twelve hours?” she asked and I gulped and looked up at Nath, “Yes, she was in an argument with a friend right before she went into labour” Nath answered for me and gave my shoulder a light squeeze. “Okay, well that will be the cause of your early labour and we wont be able to tell the full extent of the health of the baby until birth but I'm going to do an ultrasound and check that everything is okay” I nodded and she got everything ready. She dolloped some of the goo on my stomach and everything else, “Okay, the good news is the baby is alive and fine but the bad news is that we don’t know if it will be born with any problems” she smiled sympathetically. I looked at Nath and he smiled at me reassuringly but I could tell he is just as scared as I am.

“Okay well you’re only 4 centimetres dilated so you’re not ready to go yet so you can stay in here and ill send you’re friends in” She smiled, “Thank you” I said and she nodded before leaving. “Nath I'm scared” I whined, “everything will be okay” he tried reassuring me for about the hundredth time today. “Nath, I know you’re scared too, it’s okay. You don’t have to be strong for me” I said, placing my hand over his on my shoulder just as everyone came bursting through the room. “ooo fancy” Alex winked as she admired our private room. “How are you feeling?” Laura asked, “Better now but scared” I admitted, “Don’t worry, loads of babies are born early, they’ll be fine” Tanya tried to reassure me, “I guess, but most of them end up with something wrong” I whimpered, “Come on, with a mother like you and a father like little Nath here, they’ll be right as rain. They’ll be a fighter” Max smiled, “Thank you guys, I wouldn’t be able to do this without you” I smiled and they all aww’d and wrapped me in a group hug.

Two hours later and I was just 5 centimetres gone. “If this thing doesn’t get out of me soon I'm gonna pull it out” I groaned, “Just be patient, He’ll come when he’s ready” Nath chuckled, “He?” I asked, “It’s easier to say than they or it” he shrugged, “Good point” I agreed. Another pain then shot through my stomach and I grabbed Nath’s hand, squeezing it till the pain was over. “Fucking contractions” I groaned and fell back onto the bed. “You’re really strong” Nath moaned as he clutched his hand. “My bad” I laughed.

Soon my contractions picked up pace and everything moved along faster till I was wheeled into the delivery room to push. “Okay, good luck!” Taylor called as the other waited outside the room, “Good luck!” The others all chorused and patted Nath on the back as the door closed behind us.

“Now on the count of three I want you to push” The midwife said to me, “I don’t think I can do this” I panicked, “Babe you can, you’re strong. Everything will be fine and our baby will be with us!” Nath said reassuringly. “It’s very normal for you to feel this way but you really do need to cooperate for the baby” She smiled and I nodded reluctantly. “Ready?” she asked and Nath gave my hand a squeeze and kissed my head. “I'm ready”.

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