the final chapter

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 The next morning Nath had to go to the studio so I was left alone with Oliver. I was sitting watching Tv with Oliver sleeping on my lap when there was a knock at the door. I gently scooped Oliver up and walked out to the door, opening it to find my parents stood there. “Can we come in?” My dad asked flatly, “Sure” I said, leading them back to the living room and returning to my space on the sofa. “We want you to move back with us” My mum said, “Why? I have a house with Nathan now” I said, “Oh please, There’s no way you two are going to be able to look after the baby properly. You cant even seem to look after yourselves.” Mum said, “the baby is called Oliver and we are doing perfectly thank you very much” I protested, “Oh come on Beth, you cant honestly think he’s going to stay around do you? He’s a famous pop star with girls throwing themselves at him. What would he want with a girl like you?” My dad snapped. “Get out. Now.” I snapped, placing Oliver in his moses basket and standing up, “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DONT YOU EVER COME BACK!” I screamed causing both of them to jump. “Don’t say we didn’t warn you” Mum said flatly before they both got up and walked out, leaving me standing alone.

Nathan’s POV

I finished at the studio at about midday since I had nothing more to record and luckily the label are understanding about my responsibilities with Oliver so they don’t make me stay any longer than I have to. The lads had arranged a barbeque for tonight so I was going to take Beth and Oliver over there tonight.

I pulled up in the diveway and jumped out of the car. “Babe I'm home!” I called but got no response except the sound of Oliver screaming. I ran into the living room to see Oliver in his moses basket on the sofa screaming and couldn’t see Beth anywhere. “Hey, shhh” I cooed as I scooped Oliver up and rocked him, “Where’s mummy?” I asked, as I walked around looking for her with no luck. I went upstairs to check and could hear the sound of sobs coming from our room. I pushed open the door with my free hand and looked in. I couldn’t see Beth but I could see the balcony doors open so I placed Oliver in the middle of out bed as he had gone back to sleep and walked over to the balcony.

Beth was sitting curled up in one of the chairs, sobbing. “Hey, hey, what’s up?” I asked as I walked over, wrapping my arms around her. “A-are you r-really h-happy?” she asked, in between sobs, “Of course I am, why?” I asked, “Because girls are th-throwing themselves a-at you and y-you could get a-anyone you w-wanted so w-why are y-you staying w-with me?” She asked again, “Because I don’t want any of those other girls! I want you! I love you!” I protested, “What would you want with a girl like me?” she whimpered, “Oi, where’s all of this coming from?” I cooed and pulled her onto my lap on the chair, wiping her tears away. “My mum and dad came over earlier” She mumbled, “What did they say?” I asked, frustrated. “They said they wanted me to come home because we cant look after Oliver alone and that you wont stick around when you’ve got girls throwing themselves at you so why would you want a girl like me” She mumbled. “Don’t listen to them! We’re doing a perfectly good job with Oliver and I love you more than anything, I don’t want any other girl, you’re perfect to me. You’re my world” I finished and pulled her head up to face me, kissing her softly.

Beth’s POV

Once I had calmed down, me and Nath walked back into the room and sat on the bed with Oliver. “How about we invite the lads and girls over for a barbeque tonight?” Nath asked, “Yeah, that sounds fun” I smiled, he nodded and kissed my head before there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it” Nath said, jumping up and going downstairs. I scooped up Oliver and cradled him in my arms as I followed Nath downstairs, “Why won’t you just give up?!” Nath growled, “Because I want you” I heard a girls voice say which I instantly recognised and began to panic. I quickly dashed back into mine and Nath’s room, placing a now sleeping Oliver in his crib and grabbing the baby monitor before creeping back out, closing the door behind me.

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