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We pulled up outside Nathan’s and everyone got out the car except me, I sat there staring at the door and not wanting to go in. “Beth come on, You’ve done all the hard parts” Laura said and pulled me out of the car, “I'm a home wrecker” I said blankly as I stood by the car, “No you aren’t!” Laura said trying to reassure me, “I'm having a baby with a guy I met once who is in a long term girlfriend and has a great career that I'm going to ruin!” I half shouted before bursting into tears and falling onto the pavement.

“What happened?!” Taylor said as her and the girls came running over from across the road, “She thinks she’s a home wrecker and ruined Nathan’s life” Laura sighed as she rubbed my back. “Babe come on, You haven’t ruined his life and you’re certainly not a home wrecker! Him and Dionne are still together aren’t they?” Tanya said trying to reassure me.

“What’s happend?!” Nathan said coming running over and crouching in front of me, “Nathan I don’t think I can do this” I sobbed, “What? Why?” He asked, “I'm a home wrecker! And I’ve ruined your whole life!” I sobbed, “No you haven’t! Dionne is fine with it, she understands and you haven’t ruined my career at all!” He said, “Don’t try and make me feel better I know its true” I said, “No its not! And all this isn’t good for the baby” Alex said. “Fine” I sighed and Laura and Nathan helped me up as we walked back into the house.

We walked in and there were four other men and a girl there, The first guy was really tall with curly hair and a few tattoos, the second was fairly small and bald, the next was Fairly tall with dark hair and a few scars on his face and slight stubble and the last one was literally the definition of tall dark and handsome. Then there was a girl with dark skin and dark hair who was sitting the far end of the room smiling slightly. “Well these are Jay, Max, Tom and Siva, my band mates and my girlfriend Dionne” Nathan said gesturing to everyone. “And this is Beth and her friends Alex, Laura, Taylor and Tanya” Nathan said gesturing to us all.

I saw all the girls eyes light up seeing the other lads and vice versa, Laura was eyeing up Jay, Taylor was eyeing up Siva, Tanya was eyeing up Tom and Alex was eyeing up Max. “Make yourselves comfortable” Nath said and all the lads moved over as the girls sat down and me and Nath stood in front of them all. “Well, as you girls all know, me and Beth met in Ibiza and things ended up going a lot further than we would have liked and well, Beth’s pregnant” Nathan said and stopped as all the boys jaws dropped, “We’ve decided we’re going to keep the baby and I will still be a part of his or her life even though we’re separate. We’ve also agreed to tell the public that Beth’s my cousin and it’s her ex’s baby and I'm looking after her” He added. “Well that was a little bit out of the blue” Jay said. “It’s a lot to take in,  I know” I sighed. “Well we’re all here to help” Laura said and got up and wrapped us both in a hug and soon enough everyone else was agreeing and made a massive group hug. I also noticed how Tom stood behind Tanya, Max stood behind Alex, Jay stood behind Laura and Siva stood behind Taylor and wrapped their arms around them which was so cute.

But I also couldn’t help but notice the way Dionne hadn’t moved from her spot on the sofa and was shooting me daggers. Uh oh.

“Dionne can I speak to you privately please?” I asked her and everyone fell silent, “Yeah of course” She fake smiled. I walked out of the room and she followed, “Can we go outside?” I asked, she nodded and we walked outside. “Look, I know how hard this must be for you but I just want you to know that I'm not some slut that goes round having one night stands with people, This is the first time its happened. And I also want you to know that I don’t want to tear you and Nathan apart, I want him to be a part of his baby’s life but I really don’t want to get in the way of you two and your lives together. I really don’t” I sighed. “I don’t care” she said blankly, “What?” I asked, “I don’t care. Do what you want, I don’t even like Nathan, I just need him to get my fame and then that’s it” She said and crossed her arms, “But listen here, If you do ANYTHING to get in the way, I wont hesitate In hurting you and that thing” she spat nodding towards my stomach, “And don’t you dare tell anyone this or I wont hesitate to get rid of you and your precious baby” She growled before I had time to say anything else and turn on her heel to walk away. “Come on, catch up. And look happy” She growled as she plastered on a face smile and we went back into Nathan’s flat.

“Hey baby” She smiled as she walked over to Nathan and planted her face onto his. “Everything okay?” he asked, “Perfect, isn’t it Beth?” She grinned, “Yeah” I fake smiled.

Laura’s POV

While Beth and that Dionne girl were gone Jay had come over to me and asked me to go out with him some time and had taken my number and we had spoken for while and I think I really like him! He’s so funny and cute and so gorgeous.

Taylor’s POV

While Beth and Dionne were gone Siva came over to me and we started talking, he’s so gorgeous! We talked about the situation with Beth and Nathan and about his work and we also swapped numbers and agreed to meet up some time. I think I really like him. Already.

Tanya’s POV

Beth and Dionne had both left and we had all started going about our own business and I noticed Tom sitting on his own on the sofa looking at me every now and again so I decided to go and talk to him. “You okay? You look lonely” I said as I sat next to him, “Yeah I'm fine, What about you babe?” he asked and my stomach flipped as he called me babe, “Yeah I'm good” I smiled. We carried on talking about various pointless things and he asked for my number which I gave him and I agreed to go out with him some time too. He’s so perfect, I think I like him as more than a friend...

Alex’s POV

Beth and Dionne left to talk and I was looking out of the window at them secretly to make sure everything was alright and to make sure I could see if something happened. I felt someone come up behind me and whisper in my ear, “Spying on someone?” He asked, I turned round to see Max standing there and wink at  me, “I was just making sure everything is okay” I sighed, “Well Dionne will have to suck it up wont she” He shrugged, “You don’t sound like you like her very much?” I asked, “Well I don’t dislike her but me and the other boys aren’t her biggest fans, we just put up with her for Nath” he sighed. “Why don’t you like her?” I asked, “She just seems pretty up tight and controlling and stuff” he shrugged. We talked about Dionne for a while and we also swapped numbers.

Nathan’s POV

Beth and Dionne had left to talk and everyone else were talking amongst themselves so I just scrolled on twitter tweeting a few fans and creeping as usual. The girls walked in smiling so I guess everything is fine between them. I'm glad because I really love Dionne and Beth is important to me as well and I don’t want them to hate each other. Dionne came over and I started talking to her, well listening to her more like. She always talks about her career plans and everything and it drives me mad sometimes but oh well, She’s just excited that’s all.

Beth’s POV

I need to tell someone about what Dionne said but I don’t want her hurting me and certainly not my baby and I have to do whatever it takes to keep my baby safe and if that means not telling anyone about Dionne, then that’s what I’ll have to do whether I like it or not.

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