If only you knew the truth...

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“So, What did you want to talk to me about?” Nathan asked as we sat in the back corner of the local Costa. We had arranged to meet up so I could talk to him about everything. Sharon has told me that I had to tell Nathan what Dionne has been doing so I’ve decided to man up and tell him everything.

“There’s some things I need to tell you” I sighed, “Go ahead. Is everything okay?” he asked looking concerned, “No, not really” I sighed again, “Tell me what’s wrong” he said and placed his hand over mine reassuringly. “It’s about Dionne” I said, “What” he looked at me confused. “It started that day when we told everyone about the baby. When she asked me to come outside she told me some things” I looked up at him and his face showed a mixture of confusion and worry, “What things?” he asked, “Promise me you will listen to everything I say and wont interrupt or storm off or anything” I said, “I promise” he agreed, “Well, She said she didn’t actually like you. She said she was just using you for her fame and then she was going to ditch you. She then also said that if I get in the way of her plans she would hurt me or the baby. I’ve also been getting really threatening texts and calls. She text me when I got to my aunties saying that running away isn’t going to stop her from hurting me. I’ve been getting threats from her ever since we told her. That’s why I left, I couldn’t handle the pressure and I couldn’t risk her hurting my baby” I finished and looked up at him. His old expression of worry and confusion had changed to confusion and then a flash of anger spread across his face, “How dare you” he growled, “W-what?” I stuttered, “I should have known.” He hissed, “Nath what are you talking about” I asked, “You really are just like all the others, in it for the fame and trying to tear apart me and Dionne. Well think again. I no longer want anything to do with you or that thing” he spat pointing to my stomach. “Nathan why wont you believe me? and How could you say that about your own baby?” I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek, “No, that is no longer mine. your on your own now” he spat and stormed out. “Nathan”  whispered as I sat there on my own, tears falling freely from my eyes.

I called Laura and she came rushing into the shop and wrapped me in a comforting hug. I told her about what happened with Nathan, “We need to catch her out. I'm not going to let him walk out on you two and I'm not going to leave you to suffer either. We’re going to go home and arrange a plan with the girls and show Nathan what he’s being completely oblivious too.” She said, “Alright” I sighed in defeat, “I guess that’s our last hope isn’t it?” I sighed again and she nodded.

We made our way the 20 minute walk home and the girls were already sat in the living room waiting. “You guys are eager” I laughed, “We just want that bitch to get what’s coming to her” Tanya grinned.

“You still have all of the calls and texts from her don’t you?” Taylor asked, “Yeah I do, ill keep hold of those” I said, “And you have us four as witnesses for what happened at the shopping centre. But we also need more evidence” Tanya said and pulled a ‘concentration face’ that made us all laugh slightly. “I KNOW!” Alex cheered and jumped out of her seat, “What’s that?” I asked, “How about, you video the next time you see her?” She suggested, I thought about it for a bit, “I guess that could work. But how will we know we are going to see her?” I asked, “We will set it up” She shrugged, “And wont she notice the camera?” I asked, “Well we could use a phone or something” She shrugged, “I have a better idea” Taylor smirked, “Go on...” I said, intrigued. “How about we persuade Nathan to come along and see? He could hide somewhere where he can hear and see what’s going on?” She suggested, “That’s actually a really good idea!” I grinned, “It’s settled then” Laura said, “We just need to persuade him to talk to us and then we can explain everything and then we need to persuade him to go along with the plan” Taylor said, “But he won’t talk to me” I sighed. “Well we will make him; we can arrange something with the boys?” Tanya suggested. “I guess. But will you guys explain to them?” I asked, “Course” Alex smiled.

After we had arranged our little ‘plan’ we sat around the living room watching Finding Nemo which was playing on Sky. “So what have you guys been up to whilst I’ve been away?” I asked, “Oh my gosh we have so much to tell you!” Laura gushed, “Go on then!” I pushed, “Well me and Tom went on a few more dates and now we’re together” Tanya grinned, “So are me and Siva” Taylor added, grinning, “And me and Jay” Laura grinned, “And me and Max” Alex added, “So I'm the last single one. And the one with the baby. Go me!” I said sarcastically. “Well once we catch out little miss bitch you and Little Nath can get together” Alex winked, “Guys you know I don’t like him in that way” I said, “Nope, I agree with you Auntie on the whole being a sign thing and I just think you’re in denial about not having feelings for him” Laura shrugged, “Not you guys as well. I don’t like him!” I protested. “Yeah yeah” Tanya winked as she got up from her spot opposite me and skipped out of the room.

I shook my head and got up, leaving them to snigger to themselves as I headed into the bathroom to shower. I scrubbed everything and washed my hair before stepping out and wrapping a towel around my body. I left the bathroom and made a quick dash into my room as the house seems cold after my steaming hot shower.

I grabbed some pyjamas out of my chest of drawers and some underwear, slipping them on and crawling into bed. I decided to check twitter since I hadn’t been on for a while. I had quite a few followers now since I had been spotted with Nathan and had been mentioned by the boys a few times too and I also had a lot of mentions so I went through a few of them, replying to some people and following a few. I scrolled down my timeline just ‘creeping’ as many of the lads fans say.

One tweet caught my eye though, it was a tweet by Nathan

@Nathanthewanted: Just when you think you can trust someone...

I sighed, if only you knew I thought to myself. I then decided to tweet it,

@Beth_Jones8: If only you knew the truth..

I sent the tweet and then closed the app, locking my phone and slumping down into bed. I lay there for a while thinking over everything before I eventually drifted of to sleep.

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