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“Last push. 3...2...1” I gave one final push and it was over. “Wait why isn’t he crying?” I asked and looked up at Nath who looked panicked, “Nath why isn’t he crying?!” I shouted. “Babe calm down, they’re sorting him out now” He tried to reassure me. “I cant feel breathing” I heard a nurse say “But he isn’t breathing!” I screamed. “Babe you need to calm down! They are doing everything they can” he said but I saw a tear slide from his eye. Please no.

There was a lot of shuffling then the shrill sound of a baby crying. My baby. “He’s alive!” I cried, “Congratulations, you have a baby boy” The nurse said as she came over, holding a little blue blanket. “A boy?” I asked, “A boy” Nath repeated, grinning. “Can I hold him?” I asked and the nurse nodded, passing him over to me. “We did it” I whispered, looking at Nath, “We did it” he repeated then did the one thing I least expected, he kissed me.

“Here, I'm going to have to take him now to be checked over and for everything to be done. Would you like to take a shower?” The nurse asked me, “Yes please” I answered her as a towel, some soap, some shampoo and a change of clothes was handed to me (Since I never had the chance to pack a hospital bag), “Take your time” the nurse smiled and dashed off again.

I stripped out of the hospital gown and stepped into the shower, letting the water stream down my body as I thought about everything. My baby is alive, I have a baby. A very tiny baby, Mine and Nathan’s baby.

Once I had scrubbed myself clean I stepped out of the shower and put on my leggings and oversized jumped, throwing my hair into a messy bun.  I walked out of the bathroom to see Nath sitting on the bed leaning over an incubator cot with his hand inside. “Why is he in an incubator?” I asked as I sat next to Nath. “Because of how early he was born and his size and his condition, he needs to be kept in here for a few nights.” He said with a sorrow look on his face. “But I though everything was fine? What condition?” I asked, “Well he wasn’t breathing when he was born and they think he has asthma so they need to monitor him for just a few nights so he has to stay here for a few nights and so do you because of how you went into labour and everything, they need to monitor you as well” he said and rubbed my hand. “At least he’s alive” I sighed and smiled.

The others all came in soon with balloons and cards to see him and they all took turns holding his hand in his cot and I was aloud to hold him for a little while again too before they all had to leave. “I'm so proud of you” Laura said as they were leaving. I smiled in return and then yawned, “Looks like you need some sleep” Tanya laughed, “Well having a baby can be quite tiring” I laughed. “We’ll come back tomorrow” Taylor said and I nodded. Then they all waved and left, leaving me and Nath alone. “Go to sleep, you need it” He said and pulled the cover over me. I nodded and yawned as I curled up and drifted into a much needed sleep.

I woke up the next morning and saw Nath curled up on the chair next to my bed. I shook my head at him and shook him awake gently, “Why didn’t you go home?” I asked, “I wanted to be here for you when you woke up and in case you needed me” he yawned, “Well go home to bed, I’ll be okay” I smiled, “Are you sure? Because I don’t mind staying” he offered, “I’ll be fine,  I have little Oliver to keep me company” I grinned. “Okay, well I wont be long, do you want me to get you anything?” he asked, “I'm fine thanks, now go get some sleep while you can” I winked and he chuckled, “Okay, bye” he smiled and pecked me on the lips quickly before heading out the door.

I spent the rest of the morning having check-ups and being taught how to do everything like changing nappies, feeding and bathing etc. Nath came back at about 1 o clock with everyone else. “How are you feeling today?” Alex asked me, “Really good” I smiled, “Here, I bought some clothes to take him home in since we didn’t really get the chance to get anything” Nath smiled and handed me a little blue babygrow and hat. “Aw, it’s perfect Nath” I smiled.

The lads and girls stayed for about six hours and we had our fair share of giggles before they decided to head home. “You can go as well Nath, you don’t have to sleep on that thing” I said, gesturing to the small chair he has previously slept on. “I want to stay here” he smiled. “Well sleep on here instead then” I said, shuffling over and holding up the cover for Nath to slid in next to me. he slipped off his shoes and since he was only wearing sweatpants and a white top, he kept those on to sleep in before climbing in next to me. I laid the cover back down over the both of us and Nath wrapped his arms around my waist, “You’re a lot smaller now” he chuckled, “It feels so weird” I chuckled back.

im so sorry i havent uploaded in months! i had so much work to do up till november and then i forgot my laptop password, but ive got it now and ill finish off!

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