Such children

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“So have we all got enough?” Taylor asked, “Yep, I have my share and £3000 pounds from my savings account” I said, “Yeah me too” Laura agreed, “Me too” Tanya added, “Me three” Alex added. “Well it’s settled then!” Taylor grinned, “Let’s go house hunting!” Laura cheered.  

“I like this one!” Laura said, pointing to a cottage type house, “Is it big enough?” Taylor asked, “Oh, no it’s not” She pouted, “Keep looking” I sighed, “Who wants tea?” I asked, there was a chorus of “Me’s” from the girls so I got up and went to make it. We have spent the last hour going through all the newspapers and looking at all the house websites to find a house for us all. We had found a couple but most of them were either too expensive, too small or too far away so our choices were pretty limited.

I took the teas in on a tray so I could carry them all and they each took one, “Thanks hunnybun” Alex winked, “Thank you” The rest of them said. I sat back down and picked up the next newspaper and opened it up on the house pages. Most of them were pretty rubbish but I saw one that was absolutely perfect! It was a new house and was really modern, 5 bedrooms, only a few minutes away from the boys and was close to the town and train station and everything. “Guys look at this one!” I gushed and showed them all.

“Wow it’s gorgeous!” Alex gushed, “Can we afford it?” Tanya asked, “Yeah I think so” I grinned. “It’s settled then! Lets book a viewing!” Taylor said and grabbed the phone from the table. “Hello... yeah can I book a viewing for one of the houses please... okay... will all five of us be able to come... thank you... that’s perfect thanks... see you later” She put the phone down, “If we can get there in twenty minutes we can have a look around it now” She said. “Wahoo!” I grinned. We threw on our shoes and jumped in the car where Tanya drove us about fifteen minutes to the house.

“Hi, you must be Taylor and friends” The women as we reached her by the front door of the house “Yes, I'm Taylor and this is Tanya, Beth, Laura and Alex” Taylor introduced us all, “It’s nice to meet you all. I'm Lucy” She smiled, “Shall we go in then?” She asked and we all nodded eagerly.

She let us in and took us round all of the room and it was perfect! As you went in there was a hallway with a toilet to the left, living room to the right, kitchen-diner to the front and stairs in the left corner. The living room was pretty big and so was the kitchen which had an island separating the kitchen section from the dining room area. Upstairs had five bedrooms and a bathroom. As you came up the stairs there was a bedroom on the left, then there was two other bedrooms along the next wall, then there was a bathroom and another room and finally there was another bedroom on the wall to the left of the stairs.

“So, what do you think of the house?” Lucy asked as we stood outside the front door again, “We love it!” I grinned, “So would you like to make the purchase?” She asked, “Yes please” Taylor grinned, “Well if you would just sign these papers for me and we will get that sorted out for you” Lucy smiled. We all signed the papers and we stopped at Costa on the way home for a coffee.

 “So, when do you think the best time to move would be?” Laura asked, “Well I think we need to move as soon as possible as there isn’t much room here and we need to get settled before I'm too heavily pregnant” I said, “Yeah, well one Lucy has called to say everything has been sorted out then we can pick up the keys and move it” Taylor said and we all nodded in agreement.

“Well we can still go shopping for new furniture and things cant we?” I winked, “Hell yeah!” They all cheered. We drove form Costa to Ikea that was just down the road. “Maybe we should get a trolley each so we can pay for our own things?” Laura suggested, “Probably best” I laughed.

We all grabbed a trolley and headed into the shop. “Beth stop it! You’re going to hurt someone!” Tanya sighed as I used the trolley like a scooter and rolled around in it. “Don’t deny you want to try it” I winked at her as I whizzed past followed by Alex and Tanya. “Such children” She laughed.

Once we had got our fun out of the trolley we searched the entire shop until we had everything we needed. We arranged for everything to be delivered to the new house in a weeks time which was handy because I have no idea how we would have got it home otherwise.

We were sat eating spaghetti bolognaise and watching Hollyoaks, “I would” Tanya coughed as a hot guy came on, “Tanya what about Tom?” Laura asked, “We haven’t even been on a date yet so I can stare at whoever I want” She protested, “Aw but little Parker wont be happy about that” I winked at her, “Oh shut it” she said and poked her tongue out at me and we all laughed at her. “Anyway, I'm going to bed” I said as I got up and stretched, letting out a big yawn, “Alright, goodnight” I hugged them all and headed to the bathroom where I washed quickly and brushed my teeth.

I went back into the room me and Laura were sharing and put on my pyjamas which were neatly folded on the bottom of the bed. I climbed into bed and pulled out my phone, scrolling through twitter for a while. I checked on Nathan’s recent tweets and saw that he had tweeted saying ‘Why do some people have to be so difficult?’ I guess management are being difficult.

I plugged my phone into the charger and laid my head down on the pillow, instantly falling asleep.

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