chapter twenty nine

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" Jason!"

Luke and Kaylee run up to me while I hold a giggling 3-month old Jason. I stood at the bus stop and look down at my two oldest children.

" How was Jason today mommy?" Luke asks holding his arms out so he can hold Jason. I carefully place Jason in his arms.

" He was good today munchkin." I say.

" That's good to hear mummy." Kaylee says looking at Jason in Luke's arms.

" How was school today? Do you have homework?" I ask. They both nod their heads.

" Well, let's get home and do your homework so we can go over to Grandma's house." I say. We start walking towards the direction of our house.

" Do we get to see Baby Matt?" Kaylee asks.

" Yep. Baby Matt and Aunt Rachel will be there." I say. Kaylee smiles. We walk back into our house. Luke and Kaylee take Jason and run into the kitchen. I roll my eyes. I walk into the kitchen. Luke and Kaylee had set Jason in his little swing and were making funny faces at him making him giggle like crazy.

" Luke and Kaylee, sit at the table and do your homework." I scold. They both look at me.

" Sorry." They both mumble. They walk to the table and sit down in their spot. They pull out their homework and start doing it. I walk downstairs and to the family room thinking Liam would be here since that's where I last saw him. Well, he wasn't in the family room.

" Li? Where are you?" I call.

" I'm in the basement!" Liam calls back. I look at the basement door weird. I walk downstairs to the basement. I found Liam setting some things up.

" Li, what are you doing?" I ask. He stops and looks at me.

" I'm setting up for my appointment with Sophia. I told you about it, remember?" Liam says.

" You never told me about an appointment today. We're going to go visit my mother and Rachel." I say.

" I knew I forgot to tell you something." Liam mumbles mostly to himself. I roll my eyes.

" Why did you have to schedule Sophia again? It's like her eighth time this month." I say.

" She just doesn't like her hair and I help her out." Liam says.

" Then maybe she should see a professional." I say.

" Hey! I'm a professional!" Liam protests. I roll my eyes.

" Well, you're still coming with us to my mother's house." I say.

" What am I supposed to do about Sophia?" Liam asks.

" I don't know, cancel? That's not my problem Liam." I say. I walk back up the stairs as I hear Liam let out a big sigh. I roll my eyes. He needs to learn how to schedule people. Jesus. I walk into the kitchen to find Kaylee making faces at Jason again.

" Kaylee, did you finish your homework?" I ask. She looks at me and nods her head.

" Are you lying to me? Let me see." I say. Kaylee runs to the table and grabs her homework. She runs to me and hands me her homework.

" See? I finish." Kaylee says. I look over her homework. She forgot to do one question. I look down at her.

" Peanut, you forgot to do one question. Go do it right now." I say handing her homework back to her. She looks at it and frowns. She then looks at me.

" I don't get it." She says.

" What don't you get about it peanut?" I ask bending down to her height.

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