chapter forty-seven

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I walked into the house exhausted from work. Work was extremely busy today. I just want to go to dinner with my family and then fall asleep. I slip my shoes off and slip my coat off. I stand there and all I hear from downstairs is," Mama! Mama!"

I stood in front of the front door confused. Why would Jason be chanting my name? I walk downstairs to find Liam and the kids surrounding the coffee table and playing the board game The Game of Life. Jason looks over at me.

" Mama!" Jason squeals. He jumps off Liam's lap and runs to me. I pick him up and place him on my hip.

" Hi cupcake! How was your day with daddy?" I say.

" Good." Jason says.

" What are you playing with daddy, Lukey, and Kaylee?" I ask walking over to the three sitting on the ground.

" We're playing Life, mummy." Kaylee says. I sit down next to Luke and place Jason on my lap.

" Who's winning?" I ask.

" Lukey!" Jason squeals. Luke proudly nods his head.

" Well, good job Luke! Is that you with the two daughters?" I say pointing to his car on the board. Luke nods his head.

" Mummy, I have a question." Kaylee says.

" Kaylee, I have an answer." I say. Luke and Jason let out a little giggle.

" Do you think The Game of Life is like real life?" Kaylee asks.

" Well, not really. But every time I played when I was younger, I always got a son first, a daughter second, and another son last." I say. Luke and Kaylee drop their mouths in shock.

" Mommy, you have two sons and a daughter in that order!" Luke says.

" I know! It's crazy right?" I say. Luke looks down at the board.

" What if I have two daughters in the future?!" Luke asks.

" I don't know, you'll find out in the future." I say.

" Daddy, it's your turn!" Kaylee says.

" It is? Well, come here Jay. I can't spin the wheel without you." Liam says mentioning towards Jason. Jason hops off my lap and runs to Liam. He plops right down on Liam's lap. Liam grabs the wheel and spins it. I look at Liam.

" Was that a way just to get Jason by you again?" I ask.

" Of course it was. All three of my children have to love me." Liam says. Liam moves his game piece the amount he spun. He looks back at me.

" Well, they should get a chance to love me too. I did carry each of them in my body for nine months. I didn't have to." I say.

" Yeah, and that's an advantage from you. All I got is nothing." Liam says.

" They have to love me because today is my birthday." I say.

" That's a stupid excuse." Liam says.

" You're a stupid excuse." I say. Luke and Kaylee drops their mouths in shock.

" Mommy, you're being mean to daddy!" Luke says.

" No, daddy is being mean to me." I say.

" Daddy, mummy should sit in time out." Kaylee says. Liam smirks at me.

" Yeah, mummy is being pretty naughty. I might have to do something about it." Liam says. I roll my eyes.

" You can't because it's my birthday. I'm the birthday girl." I say.

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