chapter forty-one

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I was standing at the bus stop with Luke. It was a month into the new school year so that makes Luke in third grade. And that makes Kaylee in first grade. I can't believe how big my babies are getting.

" Mommy, since you're going to work, are you coming home later like before?" Luke asks.

" Probably, but I'll try to get my job done quick so I can come home to you." I say. I'm finally going back to work after like, months.

" Okay mommy." Luke says. I smile down at him. He smiles up at me. The bus shows up.

" Alright, Lukey, have a good day at school. I love you." I say kissing the top of his forehead. Luke lets out a cough before looking back at me.

" I'll try mommy. I love you too mommy." Luke says. He walks into the bus. I watch the bus drive away and I walk back to the house. I walk in the house to meet Liam holding Jason, who had his face in Liam's neck, with Kaylee standing by his side.

" I just came home to tell you I'm leaving for work." I say.

" Okay. Have a good day at work. Will you be home later?" Liam says bouncing Jason on his hip.

" I'll be home normal time." I look down at Kaylee and kiss the top of her head." Have a good day at school. I love you and I will see you later."

" I love you too mummy!" Kaylee exclaims. I make Jason look at me and I kiss his forehead.

" Bye Jay. Be good for daddy." I say.

" No." Jason says. I let out a smile.

" I'll take that as a yes." I say. Liam pecks my lips.

" I love you Millie." Liam says. I smile at Liam.

" I love you too. Be good with your customers." I say. Liam lets out a laugh.

" Will do." Liam says. I smile and walk out of the door. I unlock my car as I walk towards it. I get in my car and start it. I pull out of the driveway and start driving to my work building. I pull into the parking lot of the work building. I park in a spot and get out of my car. I walk into my work building and go up the elevator to my floor. The elevator stops on my floor and I get off. I look at Carol and smile.

" Hello Ms. Espinosa." Carol says.

" Hello Carol. Been a while, eh?" I say.

" Yes it has. But your children come first so we all understand." Carol says.

" Glad to hear that. So, what do you have for me today?" I say.

" Well, you need to go to a meeting at 1 at a clients place, which happens to be really important, and you need to look over the rough draft of another clients advertisement. I think that's about it." Carol says handing me a folder.

" Alright. Thank you Carol." I say.

" No problem Ms. Espinosa." Carol says. I walk into my office and close the door. I walk to my desk and sit down in the desk chair. I let out a sigh as I look around my office.

" It's been a while since I've been in here." I say. I look at the pictures of my family I keep on my desk. I need a recent picture of Jason. And with that, I started looking through the folder Carol gave me. Everything looks good so far. As I was going to question something on the rough draft, my phone starts to ring. I quickly grab my phone and answer it.

" Hello?" I answer.

" Is this Mrs. Payne speaking?" The person on the other line asks.

" Um, yes this is her speaking. Who is this?" I say.

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