chapter forty-three

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" I had lots of fun last night, babe. I'm glad we spent last night by ourselves. It's not very often we get to be by ourselves." Liam says. I was sitting in the kitchen, drinking some coffee, and Liam was sitting next to me. I smile at his comment.

" I'm glad we got to be just the two of us too. I told the kids about what yesterday was and why it was special just to be with daddy and they were so chill with it." I say.

" It's because they love us." Liam says smiling. I nod my head.

" Speaking of our children, I should probably go pick them up." I say standing up from my chair. I walk to the sink and wash out my coffee mug. I hear Liam stand up.

" Well, I have a hair appointment today. So, I probably should set myself up." Liam says.

" What time is your appointment?" I ask placing the mug in the sink. I look at Liam.

" Around 1ish." Liam says. I nod my head. I walk over to Liam and peck his lips.

" I'll be back." I say.

" Bye babe." Liam says pecking my lips again. I smile at him.

" Bye Li." I say. I walk to the front room and slip on a random pair of shoes. I slip on one of Liam's old sweatshirts and grab the car keys. I walk to the car and get in. I start the car and drive out of the driveway. I drive down the street and to mother's house.

I eventually get to mother's house. I stop the car and get out. I walk to the front door and I just walk into the house. Before I could yell that I'm here, I heard crying come from upstairs. I look up the stairs weird. I climb up the stairs and walk to my old room, because that's where my kids sleep when they sleepover. I open the door to see Luke crying on my old bed with Kaylee and Jason trying to cheer him up.

" It's okay, Lukey. No need to cry." Kaylee says. I quietly close the door. Jason looks at me and smiles.

" Da!" Jason squeals. Luke and Kaylee look in my direction. Kaylee has a huge smile appear on her face while Luke smiles a small smile.

" I'm not daddy, but close enough." I say walking over to the bed. I sit down on the bed and look at my three children. I start brushing through Luke's bed head.

" How was sleeping over at Grandma's? Were you being nice to baby Matt?" I ask.

" No." Jason says. I look at Jason who is sitting next to Kaylee.

" You weren't being nice to your cousin? Haven't I told you about being mean?" I say.

" Don't worry, mummy, Jay was being good." Kaylee says.

" That's good to hear." I say. I look at Luke and Kaylee." So how was Grandma's?"

" It was okay." Kaylee says.

" Why was it okay? Didn't you guys have fun?" I ask. I look at Luke." Lukey, did you have fun?" Luke shakes his head getting more tears in his eyes.

" Luke, baby, what happened? Why are you crying?" I ask.

" Grandma called me a mean word." Luke quietly sobs.

" Do you know what she called you?" I ask.

" She said a bad word, mommy. I can't say it." Luke says.

" I'll allow you to say it this one time. If you don't tell me what grandma said to you, then I can't confront her about it." I say. Luke wipes away some of his tears.

" Grandma called me a bastard because you had me before you and daddy were married and I should go to hell and so should daddy." Luke says. My mouth drops in shock.

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