chapter forty-two

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" Lukey, what do you want for breakfast?" I ask. I look at Luke who was sleeping at the table. I walk over to him and place my hand on his back.

" Lukey, wake up. You have to go to school." I say. Luke looks up and slowly blinks his eyes.

" Sorry mommy, I'm tired." Luke says rubbing his eyes.

" I know you are, munchkin. I'm tired too." I say.

" Can I have pancakes?" Luke asks. I kiss the top of his head.

" Of course you can munchkin." I say. I walk to the freezer and grab out the pancakes. I put them on a paper plate and put it in the microwave. I look at Luke.

" I'm going to get Kaylee and Jason up. If your pancakes are ready before I get back down, go a head and grab them." I say. Luke nods his head. I walk up the stairs and to Luke's and Jason's room. I look to see Jason already sitting up in his crib. I smile at him.

" Good morning cupcake. Did you have a good night sleep?" I say walking over to his crib.

" No." Jason says. I roll my eyes as I pick him and I place him on my hip.

" We need to get you to say other words. I can't deal with you just saying no." I say.

" Da!" Jason squeals looking towards the door. I look to see Liam standing in the doorway. I smile at Liam.

" See, he can say other words." Liam says smiling. I roll my eyes. I walk over to Liam. He pecks my lips.

" Don't worry about Kaylee, already got her up." Liam says.

" Wow, on top of things. Usually you'd still be in bed." I say walking out of the room. I walk downstairs with Liam following me. I walk into the kitchen to see Kaylee talking with Luke.

" Kaylee, what do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

" Waffles!" Kaylee exclaims. I look at Liam.

" Can you please get the waffles out?" I ask. Liam nods his head. I place Jason in his high chair and hook him in. I grab the box of Cheerios and pour some onto the high chair table. Jason immediately starts eating the Cheerios. Luke finishes his pancakes and runs downstairs. Liam walks up to me.

" Another reason to why I'm up this early is that-"

" Daddy, my waffles are ready!" Kaylee cuts Liam off. Liam lets out a sigh.

" Coming princess." Liam says. He walks to the toaster as I shake my head.

" Li, watch Jay for me when I'm upstairs please." I say. Liam nods his head as he hands Kaylee her waffles. I walk upstairs and to Luke's and Jason's room. I pick out an outfit for Luke and Jason to wear today. Luke walks in just as I finished picking Jason's outfit out.

" Mommy, what am I wearing today?" Luke asks. I hand him his outfit.

" Thank you mommy." Luke says. He starts getting undressed from his pajamas and gets on his outfit.

" You're welcome munchkin." I say. I walk out of his room. I met Kaylee in the hallway.

" Do you want me to pick your outfit out today?" I ask.

" No mummy, I got it." Kaylee says. I kiss the top of her head.

" Okay. I'll be downstairs if you need me." I say. Kaylee walks into her room as Luke walks out of his. He walks into the bathroom as I walk back downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Liam talking to Jason. I walk over to Jason and pick him out of his high chair. I place Jason on my hip.

" Let's go get you dressed baby boy." I say.

" No." Jason says.

" Yes because I have something special planned for us as a family tonight." I say.

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