Chp 28- Make them your Persian sex slaves for all I care!!!

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Chp 28- Make the dumb one your bodyguard and the other one your manager...or your Persian sex slaves for all I care!!!

During the course of the night Sam and Bobby had tried relentlessly to find the exact location of the colt. When they thought they were finally closing in on it Dean asked them to rest and continued with the search. It must have been around 5.30 in the morning when Dean heard Aria making her way down the stairs fuming in anger.

“That psycho woman, seriously they’re made for each other; both are mad,” Aria was muttering under her breath.

Dean who was already caught up in his work just raised an eye brow at her, finally taking in her dishevelled appearance.

“Don’t even ask. That bitch made me sleep on the ground because Mammy can’t be kept on the ground.”


“Yes, that’s the teddy’s name, Mammy. Does it remind you of somebody’s name Dean?” Aria said while collapsing on the couch next to him, “To add onto it, the entire night she kept muttering ‘No Amy control yourself’ and the best one was ‘are you such a slave of your body Amadea Croft?’ I heard that almost thrice. All thanks to Sammy boy here,” Aria added speaking louder than necessary waking Sam up in the process.

“Morning Aria, are we making breakfast today as well?” Sam asked stifling a yawn.

“What position are you vying for Sam; boyfriend or butler?” Aria retorted, not getting her minimum 10 hours of sleep had made her cranky.

“So Sammy, we finally know where the colt is. Now we just have to get it and then we can stop this Apocalypse crap once and for all,” Dean said emptying his place on the couch so that Aria could sleep.

“Well we’ll leave after breakfast; I’ll just freshen up,” Sam said walking up the stairs.

While walking towards the bathroom Sam noticed Amy sleeping, her arm flung around the teddy, a look of serenity on her face. Looking at Amy in that moment Sam got a feeling that she would be his salvation.

At breakfast time there was a huge hustle-bustle with Sam and Dean wondering what to dress up as at the place where they were planning on breaking and entering and packed their bags.

“Why is it so important for you to get this gun? You seem to have plenty of them,” Amy asked why making pancakes.

“Oh, Amy it’s this really cool gun that can kill anything. So Bam-Bam-Pow-Pow Lucifer dead. Curtains on the Apocalypse.” Aria said joining them at the table, “Then we get to live our lives!”

“Also leave from here,” Amy added.

At Amy’s words of leaving Aria turned her face sideways and noticed Dean who had bent down to pick something up. After staring at his arse for a few moments Aria muttered, “Buzz kill.”

Soon all of them were gathered round eating and talking, enjoying what they believed was one of their last breakfasts together. Since Amy was still a bit uncomfortable around Sam she asked while placing a pile of toast on the table, “So, where is this place you’re planning to go?”

“Oh, it’s this auction charity bull shit, at some Hamilton Villa on the outskirts of Chicago,” Dean said while sipping on his coffee.

The minute Aria heard those precise words leaving Dean’s mouth she spat her coffee out spraying the toast with it, while Amy dropped the plate holding all the pancakes.

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