Chp14- Who would die first if Amy and Dean became a couple.

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Chp14- Who would die first if Amy and Dean became a couple.

Aria sat quietly in Kenneth's car while he drove her home. She knew that Dean had decided to tail her home and keep an eye on her till the demon problem was sorted. Why would demons come here, she thought to herself.

"Aria.....??Earth to Aria...!"


"A penny for your thoughts sunshine, what were you thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular, just..."

"Don't stress yourself; we couldn't have done anything about it. You know that, so stop beating yourself up."

Aria nodded for his sake but she couldn't shake off the feeling that she should have done something.

How did she not realise that they were demons, weren't they supposed to have black eyes?

"We're home Aria." Kenneth said.

Aria just scowled at that, she wanted to be alone with Kenneth.

"Come on love, let's go and face Hitler." Kenneth said making a very stern face; this had Aria giggling like a little girl.

The minute they reached inside the apartment Amy came over with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh thank god you're home. I have to leave for the hospital in a while," Amy said, "While I'm gone I want you to stay at home."

"Where else am I gonna go?"


It had been a while since Aria got home. She and Kenneth had been curled up in a corner talking. Amy was up to her usual cleaning-cooking process.

Amy then looked at Kenneth and asked, "You hungry?" to which he stood up and nodded. Amy motioned towards the dining table and he quietly followed her directions.

Aria thought that it was typically Amy that she can't see anyone hungry. Even though she tried to put up a Hitler look inside she was still the cute Amy. It was times like these that reminded Aria of the old Amy.

Soon it was time for Amy to leave for the hospital.

"I don't want you here for long," saying this she left. The minute she left Kenneth stood up and saluted. Aria was happy to have some time alone with him when the door bell rang.

"Uhhhhhhhh who is it now?" saying this she went to open the door.

"Hello there," she heard the oh-so-familiar voice of Dean.

"De....Agent, what are you doing here? I thought you were investigating a case," Aria said with a shocked look on her face.

"Yeah right, I got tired in the car, so I decided to come here. Anyways I just saw your fire breathing sister leave, so it's cool."

"What is cool Agent?" Kenneth asked quite confused by their conversation.

In an attempt to control the situation Aria took Kenneth's hand and dragged him to the kitchen.

"Listen Kenny there is something that you need to know. Utter one word of this to my sister and I will kill you before her..."

"Alright alright."

"This Agent and Amy have had a string of affairs before and now he's here to mend stuff."

"He nailed your sister? I mean your sister and him??"

"Yeah, yeah. She into these authority type of guys," she said a huge smile playing on her lips. She was contemplating who would die first if Amy and Dean became a couple.

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