Chapter 30- Do-not-touch-his-hair, give the other one some trimming if you like

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A/n- Sorry for being a BITCH and not uploading since so many months...was busy with studies...sorry really really sorry...

p.s- there's a new story cover which has a secret hidden in it....try guessing it..the secret will be revealed in the following chapters but try if you can locate it...


Chapter 30-

After driving for an entire night the group had reached the outskirts of Chicago.

Dawn had just touched the sky when Dean pulled into the parking space of a motel. He looked back to see Aria and Amy deep asleep. Aria's head of Amy's lap, while Amy's head was dangling dangerously from the back rest of the seat. Sam too had fallen asleep a few hours ago. He stretched his hand and straightened Amy's head. The part of night that she had been awake for, she had been dead worried about their latest job. She had also been hilariously aloof from him, blushing profusely whenever he addressed her. Dean was sure he hadn't seen anything cuter than that.

Then it struck him that he was having a dumb chick flick monologue and drew his hand back shaking his head. Walking towards the motel he heard a soft half sleepy voice say, "Dean....where are we?"

He turned to see Amadea getting out of the Impala, her long hair a tussle. Eyes half open, squinting in the soft light of the sun.

"Chicago. Why don't you wake the others up, I'll check us in."

Amy processed the information for a few seconds in her still sleepy brain and then trotted after Dean.

"Listen, I don't think we should stay here," she said to Dean who was just about to walk inside the motel.

"Amy..." Dean was just about to make a cocky comment but he thought about giving her a break, "Why?"

"Cause if we are in Chicago then we can't stay in a motel. There are a lot of people who know us in Chicago. If even one of them saw us, word would spread like forest fire and our plan would fail before starting. Crofts can't stay at a motel Dean." she said her eyes pleading him to see sense and not argue. It was etched on her face, Amy was in no mood to argue, her eyes were dark...darker than her onyx black. It was as if they were battling a battle of their own, such darkness...

"Dean...Dean!!!" Amy called.

Dean realised that he was again having a chick flick monologue. Noticing Amy's eyes, next he'd complement her on her choice of shoes. He shook his head so hard to get those thoughts out of his head that he felt nauseous.

Amy was standing with her hand on her hip wondering where Dean was lost. Just when she was about to loose he calm with him Dean said, "Fine, where will your highness stay if not here?"

"Get back in the car, I'll give the directions?" Amy said with just a slight alleviated tone.

After a few minutes of driving quite dangerously around Chicago under Amy’s instructions, Dean drove the Impala up a really posh street. When he noticed the hotel Amy had directed him towards he took a huge gulp and tried to mask his amazement.

By this time Aria had stirred from her sleep, in her sleepy state she just noticed her surrounding and said, “Ames, I had this weird dream; crap about mum and dad dying, some bucket load of bull shit about the world ending, only plus point were the hot broads…” Aria stopped mid-sentence when she saw Dean staring at her with his eyebrow raised. “Oh! So it wasn’t a dream,” Aria said suppressing her shoulders from drooping, “What are we doing back in wonderland Amy?” she continued whilst stepping out of the car and stretching her sleep away.

“Aria manners!” Amy reprimanded while both the girls walked inside the hotel as the boys followed in their wake, “We’re going to stay here, not some low cost motel. We’re the Crofts, or did you think that was a dream too?”

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