Chp 18- She looks like a hunter to you?The Rapunzel hair and Cinderella shoes!

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Chp 18- She looks like a hunter to you? With the Rapunzel hair and Cinderella shoes!

It was almost midnight when Dean took a sudden turn and drove straight into a salvage yard. Aria who had been jolted out of her sleep was amazed by the number of cars she could see around her.

"How far is your HQ? Do we have to spend the night here in hiding?" Amy asked dreading any response in an affirmative.

Dean and Sam shook with laughter the minute they heard Amy's question.

"Stop laughing and answer my sister's question you idiots!!" Aria bellowed.

"What's so funny ya idjits?" they heard a man's voice ask.

All four of them turned around to see a man in his mid-fifties standing at the door of a shabby old house. He was of average height and wore old dirty clothes with a torn cap.

"Hey Bobby!" Dean said as he walked towards the house.

Sam at the same time turned around to the girls and said, "Girls this is Bobby Singer he's kinda like our uncle/godfather. When Dean said headquarters and all, he meant Bobby's house. This is the safest place for the two of you."

"What are you doing there gossiping like an old lady Sammy?" Dean asked.

"Who's Sam talking to?" the guy called Bobby asked.

His eyes answered the question before Dean could. There standing behind Sam were two beautiful girls. They seemed so out of place, who they were and what were they doing here; he thought.

"Who are they? Some newbie hunters?" Bobby asked looking at the girls.

"OMG! Seriously uncle, she looks like a hunter to you? With the Rapunzel hair and Cinderella shoes how on god's earth could she be a hunter?" Aria said in disbelief pointing towards her sister.

"And who are you?" Bobby asked surprised by the girl's outspokenness.

"She, is a very rude girl, I apologise on her behalf. I'm Amadea Croft and this is my little sister Ariadne Croft," Amy said coming forward and held her hand out waiting for Bobby to shake it. Her big black eyes forced him to shake her hand, a decency he hadn't performed in years.

"It's Aria and do you want to shake my hand too?" Aria asked through clenched teeth, super irritated by the use of her full name.

"Not if I can avoid it," Bobby muttered.

"Good," Aria said putting on a phony grin.

After this unusual welcome everyone besides Aria stepped inside. She on the other hand stood at the porch staring in bewilderment at all those cars.

"Come on in," Sam said to her.

"Yeah, one minute," Aria replied; she then whistled loudly and immediately Charming jumped out of the car and ran inside Bobby's house barking.

Aria let out a deep breath and entered inside only to bang into Amy who stood rooted staring at the house in disbelief.

"Oyie lady, mind moving inside?" Aria said pushing her aside, "Btw Bobby how many cars do you reckon are out there?" she added.

"Who got the DOG?" Bobby asked annoyed by the sight of a dog in his house.

"Where's the food?" Dean asked.

"Hey Bobby, where's the book I was reading last time," Sam asked.

Charming was giving his input to the chaos by barking like a mad-dog.



"Where's the book?"


"Get this dog out?"


"How many cars are out there?"


The complete mayhem in the room was brought to a standstill by a loud scream; even Charming stopped his mad barking. They all turned to see Amy still standing at the door, very close to crying.

"Sam can I have a word with you. In PRIVATE." Amy said stressing on the last word.

While Bobby, Dean, Aria and Charming stood puzzled Sam led Amy outside to talk to her.

"Sam, do you think we are going to stay here for a long time? Like, is there any other place we can go to?" Amy said way to close to tears.

"Amy, don't cry please don't cry. Look I know this is hard for you but we've gotta try, right? You've got Aria here plus Charming and you are safe. Trust me; give this place sometime it will grow onto you. Maybe this mess will be sorted out quickly and you won't have to stay here for a long time. I'm here for you, just give it a try." Sam said looking at her very sincerely. Those onyx eyes held his gaze for a long time searching his soul to know whether he was saying the truth. Finally she decided to give in and nodded to Sam.

"Gosh they just stare at each other, it's so tiring. What are they 80?" Aria said so loudly that she could be heard through the window.

Aria, Dean and Charming had their faces plastered to the window trying to see what these two were up to. Amy took in a deep breath just to sooth her seething anger and walked inside, Sam followed suit.

Once inside Bobby asked, "It's my house do I wanna know what you idjits are up to?"

"Right now it's really boring, I'll fill you in if something interesting happens," Aria answered smirking at Bobby. She had already changed into shorts and an old t-shirt ready to sleep.

"So where are we sleeping?" Aria asked rubbing her eyes.

"Where ever you feel like," Bobby replied, this time it was his turn to smirk at her, "The floor's all yours."

At that precise moment they could hear Sam muttering-'Breath-breath' while Amy tried to keep her tears from falling. Amy could bare everything but the fact that they didn't have a decent sleeping arrangement.

Aria however was cool with the idea of finding herself a bed. It didn't bother her for a minute that there weren't proper sleeping arrangements. She got into a deadly fight with Dean for the fluffiest pillow and the most comfy cover. Once she had all the things to her liking and she knew she had beaten Dean at his game she was content. She spotted a cosy armchair in the corner adjusted her pillow and the minute her head came in contact with the pillow she fell asleep.

Amy on the other hand was sitting at the dining table, head held in her hand. Dean had occupied the couch and was pretending to sleep.

"Hey Dean why don't you let Amy sleep here," Sam asked him.

"Why should I? She had the chance, should have fought for it like her sister." Dean muttered.

"Come on Dean get up," Sam said nudging him. Dean knew if he wanted to sleep tonight without the wailing beauty's background score he better get up.

"Fine Sammy, I know who you've chosen," saying this Dean walked inside the kitchen while Sam got Amy comfortable on the couch.

Once the boys were sure that the girls were comfortable and deep asleep they explained the entire scenario to Bobby.

"So did Cass say why they are important?" Bobby asked.

"No idea," both the boys said in sync.

Sure they didn't know why the girls were important but one thing was sure they weren't random girls who they had to save.

As they sat there in silence Sam's eyes drifted towards Amy and he smiled to see her peacefully asleep while Dean stole fleeting glances towards Aria.

Bobby had never seen the boys like this. It didn't matter whether these girls were important or not, they would surely bring about a change in the lives of these three hunters.

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