Chp16-"Aren't angels supposed to be cute and cuddly little children?"

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Chp16-"Aren't angels supposed to be cute and cuddly little children?"

"Cass? What are you doing here?" Dean asked.

"You know this wacko?" Aria murmured.

"Yeah yeah he's an ang...I mean a friend."

"Some friend you've got out here, palming demons and teleporting me places," Aria said easing up a bit now.

"Quiet; I don't have time for this," the guy in the trench coat said.

"Who are you to order away in my house?" Amy asked not liking anything about the current situation, especially since it was related to the Winchesters.

"I'm Castiel, Angel of The Lord."

"Yeah and I'm Queen of England," Amy blurted out without thinking.

"Aren't angels supposed to be cute and cuddly little children?" Aria enquired.

The guy who called himself Castiel seemed to lose his patience with every passing minute.

"Cass do you have something to say or did you just drop by to say hi?" Dean asked sarcasm oozing in every word he spoke.

"Seriously if you are an angel prove it..." Amy said crossing her arms.

"AMY AMY AMY!!!!!!!!!! ARIA-PARK-BLACK EYES-CREPPY BLOKE-BLACK EYES FALL-CREPPY GUY ARIA KIDNAPPED!!!!" Kenneth had come running inside the door yelling on top of his tonsils.

"Kenny I'm alright," Aria said finally coming out from behind Amy.

"Oh thank God you are safe love,"

"Don't thank God, but the angel of the God," Dean said enjoying the chaos in the room.

Kenneth turned around and saw Castiel standing right behind him. He took a few steps back towards Amy and stood there holding Aria's hand.

"Listen umm Kenneth....can you please give us a moment alone?" Sam asked.

"No...I can't and I won't,"

Castiel had had enough of their ruckus; he stepped forward and put his palm on Kenneth's forehead causing him to faint.

"KENNY!!!" Aria screamed.

"What did you do to him?" Amy asked while Aria tried to drag him onto the couch.

"He's just put to sleep, now listen all of you....I am here because you Winchesters were unable to do your job."

"What job...?"

"You were sent here to protect these girls."

"Nobody sent us; I found the article in the newspaper and decided to come here." Sam said.

"Why do you think every time these girls are in trouble you happen to be in their vicinity? It was all destined; you are supposed to protect these girls." Castiel answered.

"We are not a bunch of damsels in distress that they need to protect us," Aria almost yelled.

"You seem to have the qualities of Dean Winchester, never thanking the one who saved you," Castiel said moving towards her, "Haven't changed a bit Ariadne.."

"Are you an imposter just like them?" Amy asked.

"Little Amadea, when did you stop trusting people? Have faith, haven't your prayers always been answered?" then he turned towards the brothers and said, "I have to go now, but there are some things you need to understand before I leave. In the light of the situations these girls are very important. No matter what happens you are to stay with them, protect them and hide them from the demons."

"You say we are precious, the demons say we are precious. If we are so fucking precious just put us in a museum already!" Aria blurted out.

"I hoped you would remember everything by now Ariadne. Alas! We will have to wait for some more time," saying this Castiel disappeared.

"What.....what happened?" Kenneth asked slowly coming to consciousness.

"Kenny, everything is alright, don't worry. Why don't you go home and get some rest. I'll call you later and explain everything." Aria said trying to sooth him.

Kenneth just nodded but Aria knew she would have to explain everything later on. He quietly got up and left leaving Aria to wonder about their future. She was also dumbfounded by what that Castiel guy had said, what did he mean by she should remember everything by now? She had usually been proud of her sharp remembering skills. None of this was making any sense. Her chain of thoughts was broken by Amy's voice.

"Aria dear, can you please tell us what happened to you while you were gone that provoked an angel to come to your rescue?"

Aria quickly narrated the entire incident with the demon attack. By the time she finished talking Amy had decided that the angel was right. They needed protection and if it meant they had to stay with the Winchesters so be it.

"So when are you guys planning to grace us with your permanent presence?" she grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Obviously you are moving in here with us. You can't possibly expect us to move around the country with you like a vagabond?" she replied quite irritated with Sam.

"Look lady, we can't stay put at one place. Our job just doesn't allow it. If you want our protection you've gotta move away with us." Dean shot back.

"No I'm not leaving my life behind for the second time because of you." Amy shot back with equal force.

"Look Amy, you need to realise certain things. Firstly, the demons know you both are here, so it will be a hell of a job trying to protect you. Plus what Cass said that the situation needing you, I think somehow you both are related to the Apocalypse," Sam said, "Yes Aria the Apocalypse is about to start I'm not kidding," he added when he saw the look on Aria's face, which resulted in her shutting her jaw immediately.

"So do you people have a home or are you going to carry us around your shoulders?" Amy enquired not liking her prospective future at all.

"As much as we would love that we are going to leave you at Bo... I mean at our headquarters," Dean said with a huge smile growing on his face.

Both the sister wondered what Dean meant by Headquarters. While Amy pictured a place quite close to a Nazi Camp where children were brutally taught how to kill and survive the supernatural, Aria pictured a hunter camp where everyone was cool and children learned self defence by profession trainers.

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