Chapter 2- If this is their crappy surprise then I don't like it!!

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Chp-2 If this is their crappy surprise then I don't like it!! 

There right in front of her eyes stood a bright red 1965 Ford Mustang with a big bow on top. It was beautiful and Amy screamed with sheer joy as she realized that this too was her gift. 

"Omg dad it's beautiful!!!" 

"And it's yours honey." 

Amy felt like it was her best b'day ever, this day just couldn't get any better. Aria and she quickly got into the car and went for her birthday party.

They reached the place after a 30 minute drive and what Amy saw was a full on Aria style party. It had loud music and also drinks every where people were going crazy, the most peculiar thing for Amy was that the party was right in the middle of a field 5 miles outside the town right next to the highway. She thought that her sister had at least tried to give her an amazing b'day and had succeeded a lot more than her attempts before. She decided to go along and enjoy the party any ways.

It was almost 12:30 and Amy just wanted to call and tell her parents not to worry but her cell didn't have any bars so she went searching for Aria. She found her sister in a drinking competition with one of the biggest jerks from her college. She pulled Aria by the scruff of her neck to the outermost corner of the field that wasn't crowded with partying maniacs. 

All this while she could hear Aria shouting above the music "Rain check buddy rain check." 

"Whoa dude do you always have to rain on my parade?? I was just about to win the freaking competition." 

"Aria I don't have any signal on my cell and I wana call mum and dad to let them know that we are ok. So can you please be kind enough to call them and let them know that we might be a bit late." 

"Alright alright chill."She dialed the number again and again but it kept going to voicemail so after losing her patience she handed it over to Amy. While Amy kept trying the other numbers Aria's eyes fell upon a beautiful Impala. 

"F**king awesome man!! Sis take a look at that Impala, dad always wanted one of these."she exclaimed pointing towards the car. 

"Aria behave, stop pointing at random cars..." 

The car had slowed down considerably as it crossed the party area and Amy didn't quite like that. Aria was walking away from her so Amy pulled her back and started walking back to the party. She had left a voicemail for her parents, hopefully they would hear it and not worry much about them.

It was almost 3am and as Amy drove back home she couldn't help but smile to herself. Aria was sleeping in the backseat; she never had much control on her sleep anyways. It had been a wonderful day and now she wanted to rest, that's all. 

When they reached their house it was weirdly silent. Amy woke Aria up and together they headed inside their house. Once inside they tried to switch on the lights but they just wouldn't go on.  

"Power failure...?" Amy raised a questioning eyebrow towards her sister. 

"Maybe detective wait I'll go up and check. Maybe mum and dad know what happened." Aria rushed up the all too familiar stairs. 

After taking another good look around Amy followed her sister up the stairs, juggling her pumps, clutch, car keys, shrug and a number of her gifts in her hand. Halfway up she saw Aria standing on the top of the flight of stairs with a worried look. 

"They aren't up here sissy...dunno where they went, no note no nothing." 

"Is this another surprise Aria, coz if it is they are really slow with it." 

"I've got no clue about any surprise, so don't................HELLO???" said Aria looking behind Amy. There was a figure standing in the middle of their living room. She couldn't see any more than a hooded man in the faint moonlight that fell in through the windows. Amy turned around and saw the man, maybe he knew where her parents were. 

They saw him turning his head to the left and suddenly the couch was on fire. "Excuse me mister, who do think you are? This couch is a part of the Croft property. You will be meeting our lawyers pretty soon," said Amy while descending down the stairs. 

The minute she stepped down from the stairs the couch was flung towards her. It missed her by inches as she leaped back up the stairs. It banged against the main door blocking their only exit. 

The man looked up at them through his hood and the sisters couldn't believe what they saw in the light from the fire. His eyes were pitch black. Not just his retina, his entire eyes were black. He started walking towards them with a cynical smile on his face. 

Aria caught Amy's hand and ran up the stairs. The first room upstairs was Aria's and they ran inside it shutting the door because the black eyed man was fast on their tail. 

"Quick Amy help me put this table up against the door," screamed Aria. Both of them somehow got the table against the door.

"IF THIS IS THEIR CRAPPY SURPRISE THEN I DON'T LIKE IT!!" bellowed Amy tears streaming down her face.....

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