Chp 24- I don't know about the angel stuff Aria, but this was heavenly.

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A/N hey guys...i hope u like this chp coz its my first time at this kind of writing!!! Yes there r sum scenes tht some of u mght not want to read so it's k but  plzz comment vote and fan!!! The part comes in the end...u will know when it's abt to strt... Check out the song that I've's dedicated to Aria and Dean



Chp 24- I don’t know about the angel stuff Aria, but this was heavenly.

All four of them had driven in complete silence to the hospital where Bobby was admitted. Aria had promised to give a detailed explanation to her situation only when everyone was present because there was no way in hell that she was going to repeat all of that again. Actually it had been a good way of getting time to phrase her words properly, especially if she was leaving out so many bits of information for now at least.

When they had reached the hospital Amy had been very curious to know about the sigils that Cass had supposedly drawn. She had slyly picked up a doctors apron from a chair and gotten Dean, Sam and her own x-ray done. Amy had been so busy with her charade of playing doctor-doctor that she had for the moment forgotten all about Aria.

Dean, Sam and Aria stood around Bobby’s bed making small talk when Amy entered a very grave expression on her face.

“What?” Dean enquired.

“Well I have some bad news...” Amy said hesitating for a few minutes while she herself registered the news.

“Oh that’s new. Amy all we ever get is bad news so just blurt it out, no need to sugar coat it,” Dean said a look of sheer helplessness on etched on his beautiful face.

All eyes were fixed on Amy as she began again, “Well, I just had a little chat with Bobby’s doctor and he told me about Bobby’s state. The thing is when Bobby stabbed himself he injured his nerve because of which his legs have become paralysed....”

“You don’t know what you are barking. Just because you read some books on humans doesn’t give you or that yapping idjit (Bobby’s doctor) any right to say such things. You have no idea, I will be back on before you know,” Bobby blasted at Amy.

Amy shrunk a bit when Bobby shouted at her while Aria came to her rescue, “That’s right Bobby, don’t you worry about what these white coats say. We know you will be up and kicking in no time, but for now you rest alright,” Aria said trying to reassure Bobby.

Amy felt a lump in her throat as she saw the assurance in Bobby’s eyes.

For a few moments they stood in silence when Bobby spoke, “So what did you wanna tell us?” pointing towards Aria.

“Oh! How foolish of me I completely forgot. Aria who is this Anna and how is she related to you or this?” Amy asked the curiosity gripping her again.

“Well technically I’m related yet not related to Anna,” Aria said as she squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. “However for now let’s stick to the easy topic. You see guys, before I became Aria I ummmm I had another life. The life of an angel and for some reason unknown to me I came down as a human...” Aria said as she sighed deeply.

Before Dean could interrupt her she said, “Here’s where Anna comes in. When she fell down her grace left her and stayed at the place where she fell. Mine on the other hand stayed inside me so that I can turn into angel me anytime I want and the other angels can’t threaten me, like they did with Anna. This is what Cass wanted me to remember.”

“ is that even possible? I mean how can you be an angel?” Amy questioned her sister.

“Amy, you are a funny little being. You are suspicious about everything in life and yet it never struck you as odd that I never fall ill; not so much as a cold,” Aria said while looking at her sister with an amused expression.

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