Chap 26- Won't let you run away this time you slippery minx.

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A/N- hey guys i noe its been ages since i uploaded a chapter...yes i'm a pathetic person but everything aside here's an IMP announcement. I've introduced a new character in this Chapter and a hot stud if I might please pay attention to tht bloke coz he's gona prove to be damn interesting l8er on. So go ahead enjoy please fan, vote and comment...



Chap 26- Won’t let you run away this time you slippery minx.

Dean leaned against the Impala as he stood in the afternoon sun waiting for Aria to get dressed. Hell; that had been some improvising the girl had done. Irrespective of the looming Apocalypse he was happy at least for the moment.

“This century,” he said as he knocked against the window of the car.

“Well I would have come out ages ago if only I could get my belt out. How the hell did you manage to get it stuck like this?” Aria asked as she tugged at her belt which was stuck between the seats of the car.

“I just flung it, hell I wasn’t thinking.”

“Yeah well thanks to that, now you have some sort of a seat belt in your car,” Aria said still tugging at the belt.

“You might want to hurry up; your sister wanted to talk to us about something urgent.” Dean said as he held his hand out for Aria.

Giving up on the idea of retrieving the belt, Aria shoved it into the seat a bit more and climbed out.

Then they headed towards the house to find Amy holding a beer bottle right in front of Bobby, just out of his grasp and he leaned forward to try and catch it.

“Wow, using an old man for your entertainment; that cruel to a whole new level Amy.” Dean said.

“I had no intentions of being cruel. While you and Aria were busy with your work I tried to get Bobby to do some exercise but this adamant man wouldn’t budge so I pulled the beer threatening to take it away from him. And when I saw his desperate attempts to get the bottle back the idea hit me like lightening. This is the best way to make him work out a little.” Amy said with a sly smile on her face.

“So this was the urgent work? Letting us know how you plan on making Bobby’s life miserable.” Aria asked as she settled herself on the couch.

“Oh yes that reminds me, Dean I need a ride.” Amy said looking for her satchel.

“This one never gets old on her,” Aria said nudging Dean.

“Oh Aria, when will you ever grow up? I meant a ride to the supermarket. I need to buy some daily necessities,” said an exasperated Amy.

“Didn’t you buy a bulk load of them just a few days ago?” Dean asked scratching his head, “Where did all of that go?”

“In your stomach. Needless to argue on silly topics Dean, let’s get going; or would you rather I take the car out myself and get the work done.”

“A- I will never ever ever give my Baby over to you.

B- You are not going anywhere unprotected.” Dean said as he picked up his jacket, while Amy just walked out realising she would have Dean as company during this little trip.

“You coming?” Dean asked Aria who was about to make her way to the kitchen.

“You wish,” Aria sniggered.

“Come on, you’ll leave me alone with Amy,” Dean said faking horror on his face.

“With pleasure; think of it as payback for getting my belt stuck in the seat,” Aria said sticking her tongue out.

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