Chp 17-"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high

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Chp 17-"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high

The argument between Dean and Amy lasted for a few more minutes after which it was decided that the girls were going to move to the supposed 'headquarters'. It was Dean's idea to move after breakfast when he had stolen a glance at the refrigerator. Amy realised that Aria needed to meet up with Kenneth maybe this would be the last time these kids got to see each other. She sent Aria to meet him while taking up the responsibility to pack their belongings.


Aria was walking to the end of the lane where she was supposed to meet up with the others. It had been a difficult task explaining to Kenneth why she had to leave so suddenly. He just wasn't ready to let her go, even if it meant that his life would be in danger. After some talking and a lot of crying she had finally bid him farewell and left. It had been ages since she had cried so much. She hated her life, no matter what she did, how much she tried, she always ended up hurting people she loved. She never thought that saying goodbye would be so hard. Along the years Kenneth had grown from being a friend to a boyfriend in her mind, but at this moment she realised how much more he meant to her. It was like she was leaving a part of herself behind in Boston.

As she rounded up the corner, she heard a girl's squeal-NEVER SIT.....FILTHY CAR!!

She could see Amy standing about a foot away from Dean's car with a disgusted look on her face.

Almost immediately she heard Dean bellow-'NOT A WORD...IT'S BABY!!!'

Although Aria couldn't hear their argument clearly she figured that Amy was throwing a tantrum about sitting in that old car. She couldn't help but smirk at her behaviour; she searched for Sam and found him standing even further away surrounded with luggage with a look of despair on his face. 'Poor boy' she thought. At that time she saw Dean throw Amy over his shoulder and drop her in the back seat of the car with a murderous look on his face. Aria couldn't stop the laughter that escaped her lips; if Amy saw her laughing she would kill her.

When she finally reached the car Dean and Sam had finished stuffing their luggage in the trunk while Amy sat with a sour look on her face.

The moment she reached the car Dean turned to her and threatened her, "One more word from your sister's mouth against baby and I will give her to those demons!!"

"What did you say about whose baby?" Aria asked Amy as she got inside the car.

"This great invention of man-kind which was used in the last century is his baby..." she said making a face of utter disgust.

Dean for now sat inside making a mental note to avenge his cars insult. Amy would definitely pay for this. Dean was just about to start the car when suddenly Charming came rushing inside and sat in between the sisters.

"Oh no no no. He's not coming with us."

"Yes he is, period." Amy replied.

"I won't have a dumb dog in my car," Dean said taking deep breaths, quite close to going insane.

"Fine then, Charming and I will find a different mode of transportation to the HQ. One which is better, more luxurious and FASTER." Amy said almost getting out of the car.

Dean immediately started the car leaving Amy no choice but to shut the door in a hurry.

"You Insane murderous moron!!!!" she yelled while Dean chuckled at her plight.

"Okay you two cut it out. Amy please," Sam said but quickly shut up as he saw the look on Amy's face.

Aria had been quite the entire time as she felt no incentive to join their conversation. She noticed that Dean was fuming with anger while Sam sat so tight jawed that she thought they would have to unscrew it later on. Amy on the other hand was petting Charming as silent tear drops fell from her eyes. All of this was too much drama for her; she pulled out her I-pod and played all the hard rock songs which wouldn't allow her to think.


The car came to a halt as Dean pulled up at a roadside diner. Amy had long back fallen asleep while Aria played with Charming. Dean jumped outside and quickly opened the door Amy was leaning against. Amy who was awoken by her sudden fall was inches away from the ground when Sam caught her.

"Dean you........!!!!" Amy screeched.

"Wait Amy I'll give him a piece of your mind," Aria screamed rejoiced that she had something 'constructively destructive' to do. She picked up the stones from the roadside and started pelting Dean, laughing hysterically. One of the stones just missed his nuts.

"Look where you are aiming?" Dean screamed.

Sam picked up Amy bridal style and started walking towards the diner. She poked his shoulder and said, "I can walk." He quietly put her down while Aria crept from behind and made a sad face at him. She moved close and murmured 'keep trying.' Sam gave her a look asking 'what had he done wrong?' Aria couldn't possibly tell him, were guys usually so dumb?

When Aria and Sam entered the diner they saw Dean sitting in one corner while Amy sat in the other corner.

"Yay Sam we are playing four corners in this diner!" Aria sarcastically said irritated by the behaviour of their elder siblings. Sam rolled his eyes as he let out a scoff. He went and pulled Dean towards a different booth altogether while Aria did the same to Amy.

At last when the four of them were seated in one booth a middle-aged waitress arrived to take their order. Dean ordered his usual bacon cheese burger; Sam and Amy ordered the same salad while Aria ordered a French fries, an extra cheese burger and a Choco sundae. The others just stared at her while Aria gave her order, wondering whether she had ordered her dinner as well.

They ate in silence till Dean tried to take a few of Aria's French fries. The fight lasted for five minutes during which both of them gobbled down ever last bit of fries they could lay their hands on.


The ride after the lunch saw Aria and Dean in an extra happy mode. The radio was blaring old rock songs and all four of them were busy doing something. After one song ended Dean changed the station, while tuning he stopped at one station which was playing 'Over the Rainbow'. Amy face immediately lit up but Dean changed the station contorting his face at that song.


"I don't listen to soppy songs," Dean said.

Sam had seen Amy's reaction to the song and switched the station back; sadly the song had ended which resulted in a glummer mood from Amy.

Sam shot a glance at Aria. She quickly texted him- 'That's her fav song. Daddy sang it to her.'

He quietly nodded after reading. Aria saw Amy looking out of the window crying, she quickly texted Sam again-'SOS Do something!!'

By now Dean had shut the radio. Suddenly Sam started singing-

"Someday I'll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops,

High above the chimney tops,

That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh why can't I?"

Aria quickly hugged Amy and joined Sam in singing-

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high

There's a land that I've dreamed of once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream,

Really do come true."

Amy hugged Aria tightly and smiled at Sam while Dean shook his head in horror.

In that moment everyone in the car realised that everything was fine between Sam and Amy. Everything would go back to how it had been three years back.

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