Chp 9- Exorcise the demon and your brother gets the hug.

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Chp 9- Exorcise the demon and your brother gets the hug. 

Aria looked out of the living room window to see that the sun had already set and it was nearly twilight. There had been no sign of the demon all day long, if you don't count the incident in the morning. Dean had tried to teach them a few useful things about disarming a demon and she kept repeating his instructions in her head. This would maybe be the only time that she followed this guy so blindly. He had handed both of them a small glass bottle of holy water. 

"You know you might be the only person in the world to wait for their attacker with bathed-breath," Sam told her. 

"It's not like that; I just want this to get over asap so that life can get back to normal," she said lost in her own thoughts. Sam was quiet puzzled with this girl. On the outside she was so strong, so grown-up but there were times when you saw the little girl inside her just screaming for some comfort. 

"So what are you planning to do this time? What if the demon runs away again?" Aria questioned him. 

Sam went and picked up the rug from the floor. Under it Aria saw some drawing that looked like a star drawn inside a circle or something like that. 

"What is that?" 

"It's a demon's trap. Once a demon steps into it he's trapped and rendered useless, then we can easily exorcise him." 

"So how are you planning to get that demon to step on the rug?" Amy asked. 

"We are still working on that..." 

Before Sam could complete his sentence the lights started flickering. 

"Quick get inside the circle of salt!" 

While Amy was pulling Aria inside the salt circle she felt a gun hidden beneath her sister's shirt. Amy gave Aria the angriest look she could give but didn't get any response from her sister. 

The guys stood with their guns out, they could hear footsteps coming from the main door. 

"Waiting for somebody boys?" they heard a voice ask. Before they could turn around and make any sense of what was happening, the demon who had come in from the back door flung the guys on opposite walls. Dean crashed into the book shelf and was pinned to the ground, while Sam banged into the antique statue. A piece of the statue went through his arm putting him in excruciating pain. 

"Well well girls, I see you are prepared this time. Salt circle and everything, I'm impressed. However, do you think a petty thing as a salt circle will stop me?" he asked with a sly smile on his face. 

All of a sudden the windows shattered and a huge gust of wind blew in erasing the salt line. Aria felt a sudden rush of courage as she saw the demon approaching them. She stepped in front of her sister and said, "What's your problem huh? What did we do that you are so hell bent on killing us? Where are our parents?" 

"Your parents are; let's just say long gone. As for the other question, your mistake was being born. You should have never come here, but I can see you aren't really that strong now. Little Aria, as always trying to save her elder sister, always coming in my way. If it hadn't been for you I would've killed her the first night. I never wanted to do anything to you or your parents, but they stood in my way just like you are now, so, I'll finish you off before I kill sister dearest." He said. 

The demon held his hand up in the air and started to close his fist. At the same time Aria could feel a strong hold around her neck chocking her. She fell down on the ground gasping for air. She remembered that there was a bottle of holy water in her pocket. That should distract the demon for some time. She took the bottle and threw it at the demon. It hit him straight in the face and he screeched out loudly as his skin burned. Amy saw her chance; she grabbed the demon's jacket and pulled him into the demon's trap. 

Dean and Sam felt as if the invisible chains holding them had been removed. The quickly picked up their guns and turned towards the demon to see the least expected scene. 

There he stood in the demon's trap with a smug smile on his face. He had his arms around Amy's neck and he had caught her with him. "Ah hah boys, don't you dare try to do something smart because we don't want anything to happen to Amadea here. Try to exorcise me or even come near me and I'll simply snap her neck like a Popsicle." 

"You son of a bitch! Let her go now or you're going to be very sorry." Dean threatened the demon. 

"I wouldn't threaten me if I were in your place. Amadea's life depends on your behaviour kiddo." He chided. "You fools don't even know what she is...even if you send me back to hell once I'm done with her, I'll be treated like a King there." 

"What do mean by 'what I am'? I'm a normal person that's all," Amy said in a meek voice. 

The demon laughed a spine chilling laughter and said, "Ignorance is bliss after all. It doesn't matter anymore, tonight is the last night of your life. Now boys let me go and I'll be out of your hair in no time." 

"Please don't kill my sister. Please anything but that, kill me if you want, not her." Aria pleaded. 

"What use would that be to me? I want your sister and I have her with me in this cosy little circle," the demon said. 

Aria looked at her sister with tear filled eyes, instead of seeing a similar expression she saw Amy pointing towards her own hands. In her hand she had the bottle of holy water. Aria quickly understood her sister's plan. 

Sam tried to make a move and he must have taken just a step when he heard a scream. He looked up to see that the demon had made a small cut on Amy's neck and it was bleeding profusely. 

"Don't you dare try to move Winchester boy. I know you want to act as a hero for her and I can't complain. If I didn't have to kill her, I would have tried her myself. However we don't have time for that, so throw your weapons away and put your hands behind your head." The demon ordered. They did exactly as they were told. "Now come here and wipe away the trap." 

"Over my dead body," Dean muttered. 

"Maybe not yours Dean but Amadea will die if you don't do as I say." Saying this he tightened his grip on her neck. 

"Wait, I'll do it," Aria said, "But promise me you won't kill my sister." 

"I can't say anything for sure, first free me then we'll talk." 

"Don't listen to him Aria, he's lying," Dean said. Aria just looked at him and motioned silently towards Amy's hands. 

Then she walked forward and bent down right in front of Dean to rub off the trap. As she bent down Dean saw the gun hidden behind her shirt. 

Precisely at that moment Amy screamt, "Dean now!!!!" she threw the bottle of holy water up in the air. Dean quickly leaped, pulled the gun out from Aria's jeans and shot the bottle. The bottle broke sprinkling the holy water on the demon. While the demon was trying to regain his composure Sam pulled Amy out of his grasp. Dean then started chanting the Latin exorcism. 

"Fine, even if you send me away, more will come here for this girl." The demon barked. 

Dean stopped for a minute but then decided that the demon was bluffing and continued with the exorcism. When he was done, black smoke flew out of the man's mouth whom the demon was possessing. The man fell to the floor, Dean walked over and saw that he was still alive, badly bruised but alive. He turned around and saw Amy and Aria clutching onto Sam in a bear hug. 

"Exorcise the demon and your brother gets the hug. By the way, you are welcome."


A/N- Hey guys I know you people are reading so please comment and vote...please. I would love to know what you people think about the story. 


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