Chp8-Okay, so I'll tell Sammy to open his DEMONOPEDIA later!

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Chp8-Okay, so I'll tell Sammy to open his DEMONOPEDIA later 

She was in the garden again, but this time something was different. She couldn't really put a finger on it. The garden was more beautiful than it had ever been. Flowers that she had never seen or heard about were blooming there. Everything was so peaceful and picturesque, she felt at peace if she was whole again. Suddenly she heard a loud unpleasent sound and she felt like she was fallling down from a cliff.



"Yup, I'm in here," her voice called out from the room at the end of the hallway. 

Dean walked over and peeped into the room. Everything was so pink and girly; his eyes hurt. 

"Just checking to see if you're alright." 

She had just come out of the bathroom and boy she looked beautiful. Her dark black hair was dripping wet and clung to her body just like her white summer dress. Dean was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise that Amy was snapping her fingers right in front of his face. Ultimately she slapped him with mild force and brought him back. 

"Hey what was that for?" 

"Dunno, maybe cause you were staring like a frog." 

"Whatever, let's go down." 

"Yeah k; Aria down already?" 


They looked into Aria's room on their way down and Dean tried to suppress a smile because of what he saw. Aria's upper half was sprawled on the bed while the lower half was dangling from the edge of a chair. She was deep asleep and there was a serene smile on her face that made her look angelic. 

Suddenly they heard a grumbling sound. 

"Dean are you hungry?" Amy questioned with a concerned look on her face, eyeing Dean's stomach. 

"Yeah, sort of. Is there anything to eat here?" 

"Let me see, maybe I can fix something up for you," she offered. 

"Yeah you go on I'll get Aria down." 

"Dean, please no mischief. I want to have a calm day as long as the demon doesn't arrive." 

"Nope just gonna wake her up and get her down." He said but his mind had cooked up a million plans to wake Aria up in the most irritating way. 

After Amy left he entered Aria's room. He sat down on the bed and looked at her for a minute. Why couldn't she be so calm when she was awake? It was like he could see a whole new person in Aria when she was asleep. A part of Dean wanted to sit there and watch her sleep but it was overpowered by the part which had just found the perfect way to wake her up. He picked up her guitar from the bedside and sat right behind her. He then strummed the guitar as loudly as possible right next to her ear. Aria jumped up from her bed and landed on the floor between the bed and the chair. 

Aria first instinct was to throw an air kick at Dean who was about to choke on his laughter. She then curled up into a ball on the floor and tried to go back to sleep, she wanted to continue her dream about the garden because for the first time the dream seemed to make some sense. 

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." 

"Get lost DICK!! I want to sleep." 

Dean sat down on the floor next to her and said, "Okay, so I'll tell Sammy to open his DEMONOPEDIA later on; maybe after the next attack." 

"ARGHHHHHHH!! Alright I'll be down in 5."


Aria entered the kitchen to see Sam busy on his laptop, Amy shuffling through the kitchen and Dean was eating a huge chunk of Amy's b'day cake. 

"This cake-it's like orgasm in your mouth," 

"Ewwww Dean!! Now I can't eat cakes forever." 

"My pleasure, although I have better experience with pie." 

"Thanks, first cakes now pie. Sis remind me to kill him after getting rid of the demon." 

Amy handed Aria a bowl of noodles and placed one in front of Sam as well. He looked up at her and started speaking, "I couldn't find anything to tie you to this demon, so the most we can do is to teach you how to protect yourself. The best option is to draw a ring of salt and stand inside it. That should keep you safe for the time while I exorcise the demon." 

"Meanwhile Dean and I can sit with a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show. Btw do you steal a kiss from the damsel in distress, Mr. Knight in the shining armour?" Aria said with a sarcastic grin. 

Sam who had turned tomato red hid his face in his laptop while Amy who could give a fair competition to Sam's blush tried to look at her younger sister scornfully. This look just beckoned Aria to tease her some more, but fearing for her safety later on she kept her silence. 

"Well we can sit here and chit-chat or we can train you girls a bit," Dean said after finishing the cake. 

Aria followed Dean out to the backyard but on his way out Dean spotted a letter with the name- 

'To Miss. Ariadne Croft.' 

"Who's Ariadne? Your third sister?" 

"Its Aria's full name," Amy said finding a way to get back at her sister. 

" Ariadne which century have you come to meet us from," Dean quizzed her. 

"Puh-lease don't call me by my full name. It was my grandmother's idea of eternally torturing me." Aria whined. 

"Now we know who was the least favourite grand-daughter." Dean said smirking at her. 

Aria just stomped out to the backyard and started warming up.


A/N- hey guys, I'm sooo sorry that i haven't uploaded since such a long time. please read the new addition to the story and let me know what you feel about it. please give me some comments as to what you think about my story, I'd really appreciate it. thanx.


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