Chp 19- I LIKE TO MOVE IT!!!!

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Chp 19- I LIKE TO MOVE IT!!!!

Amy stood right in the middle of a sunflower field. She walked on and saw a small cottage. As she looked around she realised that while she stood in the field it had been day time but now it was night. She tried to enter the cottage but suddenly it started burning. She could hear the loud wails of a child crying and people screaming. No matter how much she tried she couldn't enter the cottage. All of a sudden the door flew open and a bright light could be seen from inside; with it came an ear piercing sound that she just couldn't bare.

Amy jolted up drenched in perspiration. She looked around and after sometime realised that she was still at Bobby's house. Bobby was just outside the door trying to mend his radio while Dean was trying to burn his breakfast, or so she thought. That explains the creepy noise and the burning smell from the dream Amy deduced. She really was going paranoid, coming to such assumptions.

She searched the room for any sign of Aria; usually she would still be fast asleep. However, today Aria was nowhere to be seen.

She contemplated asking Dean for Aria's where about but decided against it.

"Good Morning Mr. Bobby, have you seen Aria?" Amy asked.

"Okay here are some ground rules for you; firstly it's just Bobby no Mr. Bobby or Mr. Singer, second I'm not your sister's babysitter to keep tabs on her," Bobby told her in a mild scolding way.

The look on Amy's face could melt a stone and well Bobby was after all human.

He took pity on her and said, "She's running about in the yard doing Pete knows what!"

At that moment she caught a glimpse of Aria jogging in the further most corner. She was bemused by the fact that Aria was jogging, that girl never even moved an inch if she could avoid it.

"What's bothering you so early in the morning?" Sam asked handing her a mug of coffee.

"Nothing," Amy said sitting down on the porch putting her face between her knees, "Well my life was just turned upside down for the second time, so yes a lot of things are bothering me," she added after some time.

"And here I was thinking that it was because of my grammy award worthy singing," Sam said trying to change the topic.

Amy burst out laughing; he had never seen her laugh so whole heartedly before. She looked so breathtaking when she laughed, it was a sound that moved your heart and made you want to laugh as well.

"Was it that bad?"

"No no Sam actually it was lovely, quite umm...pleasing." Amy said trying to stop her laughter.

"Amy, you're tone deaf," Dean interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt your little chat but would you care for any breakfast?" Dean added brandishing a burnt toast in his hand.

Looking at the toast in Dean's hand Amy shook her head.

"Dean as much as I appreciate your efforts isn't it better if you leave cooking to someone who knows their way around the kitchen. Someone like me," Amy remarked.

Dean's retort was cut off by a panting Aria's exclamation.


"WHAT?" the other four asked almost at the same time.

"Bobby you have 1147 cars in your salvage yard," Aria proclaimed still panting.

"Good for you Bobby, at last the mystery of the unknown number of cars is solved," Dean remarked.

Aria stuck her tongue out at Dean and walked inside, crashing immediately on the couch.

"AMEEEEEEEE....ME HUNGRYYY!" Aria called out like a little child.

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