Chp 23- Well yeah. Wait........NO...NO...NO NO NO NO NO.......

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Chp 23- Well yeah. Wait........NO...NO...NO NO NO NO NO.......

It had been a long and silent ride back to Bobby’s place. Dean was muttering something under his breath that sounded like ‘bitch, bloody vampire etc etc’. While Amy just sat quietly looking out of the window. Aria had expected her to cry, at least shed a few tears, maybe call Sam names, but she was so quite it was unnerving.

Finally they reached Bobby’s house and Aria ran inside to get away from these depressing creatures. If you ask her, Sam was a consenting adult and being the younger sibling she understood his need to just walk away and deal with life the way he wanted. Accepted that running away with a demon to kill Lilith and stop the Apocalypse in the process was some heavy weight stuff but then who was she to talk about it, when her secret was probably bigger than any other in this world.

Aria’s train of thoughts was stopped when she heard Dean and Bobby in a heated argument.

“You stupid stupid son of a b*tch! Well boo hoo. I am so sorry your feelings are hurt... princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family.,” Bobby bellowed.

Amy stood silently in the corner petting Charming as if nothing was happening there at all. Then all of a sudden Dean disappeared into thin air.

“What the fuck! Where did Dean go?” Aria asked walking over to the place where he stood just a minute ago. Bobby just shook his head in disbelief. How could someone just disappear in front of your eyes?


It had almost been an hour since Dean had disappeared into thin air. Aria had called on all of his number but they kept going straight to voice mail.

“Amy I’m calling Sam up. He would want to know that Dean is M.I.A,” Aria said worry was clearly etched on her face.

When Amy didn’t respond Aria just shook her head and decided she would deal with this after she had some tabs on Dean.

She tried all of Sam’s numbers too but they were either switched off or out of coverage area.

“Amy listen, I know something happened between you and Sam before he left but can you not take that out on Dean. I’m really worried that something bad is going to happen soon,” saying this Aria looked straight into Amy’s eyes. In Amy’s eyes Aria saw clearly what her sister was trying to hide. All that pain, all the worry, all the grief, it shook Aria to see her in so much of pain.

Amy immediately went down on her knees and shut her eyes.

“You really think that’s going to help?” Aria asked surprised at her sister’s course of action.

“Well Castiel said that my prayers were always answered; so I’m putting that to test here,” Amy quietly murmured as she continued praying.

Aria thought it was lame to sit and pray. They should be out searching for Dean, even though it was close to impossible. She walked out of the room to see if Bobby had any leads on Dean.

The minute Aria left Castiel appeared at the exact same spot where she had stood.

Amy was still lost in her prayer. Castiel put his hand on her head and she opened her eyes.

“Castiel, you came!” Amy squealed and hugged him; she hadn’t expected him to answer her prayers so quickly.

Aria walked back in that minute and smirked at a highly uncomfortable Cass.

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