Chp 7-"Do you know which side the bullet comes out from, Amy?"

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Chp 7-"Do you know which side the bullet comes out from, Amy?"

It was a bright sunny day and under normal circumstances Aria would have appreciated it. However she was stuck with a particular Dean Winchester and that was dampening her mood by a great scale. She liked his car thought.

"By the way, nice car," she said.

"Thanks, so you are interested in cars?"

"Yeah, my dad has...had a big collection and I used to keep tabs about it, so I know a few things about cars."

"Collection?" Dean asked with a raised eye-brow, "You some kind of a preppy?"

"Don't call me that, I hate being called a preppy." She said angrily.


After a moment of silence Dean spoke, "I can't help but notice that your sister and Sammy are far behind, wana take a detour.................lets get to know each other....closely????"

Aria saw the most ridiculous smile on his face. What could she even reply to him.

"Okay, from this minute the only conversation that takes place is between the Impala and me. Miss. Impala please take a right turn when you see the railway tracks, head straight and we will reach home." She then covered her face with her jacket, leaving Dean to bask in his own glory.


Amy was sitting silently looking out of the window thinking about the sudden change in her life. She looked up at Sam silently driving the car. He had been exceptionally sweet to them, helped them out in some of the stickiest situations. Sam looked like an average guy when you first saw him, which is if you don't pay attention to his height. However on a closer look Sam was so much more than an average guy. Exceptionally tall, he had a child's face with beautiful eyes a shade darker than his brothers. Every time you look at him there is something in his face that pulls you closer to him, makes you wana sit and talk to this guy. His messy hair fell perfectly on his face and Amy was resisting a strong urge to run her fingers through them. A chuckle accompanied with a 'WHAT' brought her back to Earth. Embarrassed that she had been caught staring him Amy looked out of the window.

"So...we never had a chance for a decent introduction, I'm Sam Winchester. You are Amy as I clearly heard your sister scream."

"It's Amadea Croft, actually Amy's for friends and family."

"Okay Amadea..."


"So Amy what do you do when you don't have a demon hell bent on killing you?" he asked with a shy smile on his face.

"I'm in med school. What about you?"

"Well before I started hunting full time I did my pre-law."

"Oh nice, even my dad is a lawyer. Btw Sam about my you think they are alright?"

He was thoughtful for sometime then he said, "Amy a demon attacked your house, we can't say what really happened until we see your house." He tried to put up the most reassuring face that he could. Hell, he knew how it felt to lose your parents to a demon. He hoped she wouldn't have to go through that.

"So did you always live here?" he asked changing the topic.

"Nope, we lived in Britain till I was 10 then we moved here. My father always loved the American country life." She said smiling at some fond memory.

After some time Sam saw the Impala at a distance parked in front of a perfect looking huge house.


All four of them stood before the house shocked to see that it was perfectly fine.

"This is impossible. The house had been on fire, how can it look so perfect?" Aria enquired with a puzzled look on her face.

Dean noticed a curtain hanging from a balcony and couldn't help asking, "Is this your escape route?"

"Yeah, the demon had supposedly set the house on fire and he was trying to come in through the bedroom door, we had no other option."

"Smart thinking, although I can imagine Aria getting down from here but Amy...." he let the sentence hang in mid-air.

"It's Amadea for you and fyi I just look fragile, you don't want to cross me," she warned Dean.

Sam just shook his head and started for the house, Aria followed suit. Amy stood there staring at the house; it didn't feel like a sanctuary anymore.

"Want to go in the same way you came down? I can give you a heads up, if that's what you want," Dean offered with a sly smile on his face.

"So that you can get a good peep, no thanks," she muttered and went inside.

Once inside she saw that the couch stood in its place completely burnt, the front door had some faint burn marks, however the rest of the house was inconspicuously clean.

"Kay, why don't you girls stand here while we get a good look around. Here Ames hold onto this," saying that Sam handed her a gun.

Dean smirked, "So you kids are on pet-name basis. Aria learn something from them."

"Dean learn how to be a decent civilised guy from your brother maybe then we'll talk."

Dean rolled his eyes and saw Amy standing with the gun shaking in her hands. "Do you know which side the bullet comes out from Amy?"

Amadea put the gun off safe mode and pointed it towards Dean.

"Whoa chill lady..."

The boys searched the house for a demons presence and found traces of sulphur here and there but no sign of the girl's parents. They came down and saw the sisters standing so still it's like they were statues.

"No sign of the demon, so you are safe for now," Dean said.

"So did you guys get something recently, something that might be an antique or some stones that might have attracted the demon?" Sam asked.

"Well I got this pendant recently that's all."

Sam got up and lifted the pendant from Amy's neck. Their faces were so close that if Amy only moved a centimetre their lips would brush and she had started blushing a deep red colour. He checked her pendant but didn't find anything unusual. Sam looked at Amy and realised how close they were, her dark black eyes put him in a semi trance until he heard a loud giggle from behind. He quickly straightened up and went to stand in the furthest corner of the room.

"Dude your brother's quick!! Epic move!!"

"At last Sammy you are making me proud."

More laughter followed these comments, apparently Aria and Dean were on the same team if it came down to teasing their siblings.

"Why don't we all get some rest? Guys we'd be happy to have you stay here with us while this demon attack is on, so please make yourself at home," Amy said trying to stop any more comments. "Without you trying to enter any of our rooms Dean," Aria added as soon as she saw a smile growing on his face. She then dragged Amy up to know what had happened in the car to lead to such a move.

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