chp 5-King of DICKVILLE and the GIGANTORE!!!

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Chp 5- King of Dickville and the Gigantore

Aria ignored the help offered and continued her battle with the pain in the ass sleazy receptionist.

"Come on man! How many times do I have to ask you for the room...what do you want?" Aria asked completely agitated.

"You know what I want honey...."

"Okay that's the limit you son of a b****!!!"

"Miss, may I help you," the voice asked again but this time there was a hint of amusement in it.

Aria turned around and almost banged into a breathtakingly beautiful face. She saw beautiful hazel eyes stare right at her. She was momentarily mesmerized but then she heard a silent chuckle. Coming back to reality Aria walked back a step and saw a roughly 6 feet tall guy with a chiselled face and a strong jaw line, his lips were curved into a cocky grin. His hair was neatly cropped and he was dressed in old faded jeans, t-shirt and a dirty leather jacket.

"Why what you see?"

"Ummmhh...yeah...WHAT??? NO!!!!"

"Oh it's ok. I tend to have that effect on people. You don't have to deny it"

"Great, nobody informed me that you are holding 'THE COCKY MEN CONVENTION!!!!' How ignorant of me?" Turning to the receptionist she said, "Now you open your ears and listen to me loud and clear. I'm only going to say it once- GIVE ME THE BLOODY KEY." She said that with a lot of emphasis. Before the receptionist could say anything the other guy came forward and said, "What the hell man. Give her the key and, for me two queens." Intimidated by the other guy the receptionist reluctantly held two keys in his hands. The other guy took the keys and handed one out to Aria.

"Well we've got adjoining rooms. God knows what all can happen in one night." He said winking at Aria.

She rolled her eyes at him...eventually today was the day she was destined to meet all of God's cocky creations. She walked outside and met her sister and guided her to the room.

"Aria listen to me..."

"I know I know Amy I'm sorry but it was kinda tedious getting a room," she didn't bother telling her about the entire incident.

"It's not that you fool, listen- you remember we saw that Impala during my b'day party, then again at the diner and now it's outside again..."

"So what are you trying to prove here sissy your observation skills??"

"No you fool ever since we saw that car all this crap started. These guys are behind it baby...they want us!"

"Okay okay PARANOID QUEEN... you lost me... long back..."

"Idiot try recalling, that car was passing real slowly when we were trying to call mum & dad; then it was there at the diner; and now it's parked right behind our car. Two guys have been following us all along; one of them is that diner guy. It can't be a mere coincidence that all this happened after we saw them."

"Oyie Sherlock Holmes, here's a penny for your thoughts. I just met one of those guys and he might be the King of Dickville but he sure isn't dangerous, and Gigantore was nothing more than helpful to us. You need to get some sleep before you think I caused 9/11."

"No, listen to me, please," Amy said tears welling up in her eyes again.

"I surely will listen to you, tomorrow. Right now you get in that bed and sleep. The door's locked; we are safe here, for now; sleep."

Although Aria had forced Amy into her bed she had been up for long time thinking .Eventually sleep caught on with her.  


Aria woke up with a blasting headache. Confused by her surroundings she sat up and tried to recall the previous night. It all came back to her, unable to control her tears anymore she ran into the bathroom. Once inside she let her emotions get the best of her, after what seemed like ages she wiped her tears and stepped out for some air.

Outside she spotted a soda machine right next to her room and realised that she was terribly thirsty. The last thing she remembered drinking was that horrid coffee. At the soda machine a battle was waged between coke and beer, which ultimately beer won. She was just taking some fruit juice for Amy when she heard, "Whoa! Rough night?" 

Recognising the voice she groaned because she was in no mood to meet Dickville's King, first thing in the morning. Aria stared at him menacingly, "By the way I'm Dean Winchester, and you are?" 

"None of your business."

"So Miss. None-of-your-business how was your night?"


Dean saw a girl approaching them. Being Dean the first thing he noticed was her torn dress. She looked like a mess and her face was fuming with anger.

"What do you think you are doing out here young lady?" she said eyeing Dean.

"Are you both related? Cause you sure sound related." He joked. 


With a look from her eye Amy silenced Dean and continued scolding at her baby sister.  

Sam heard some girls outside and wondered what Dean was up to now.  

He came outside and saw Dean sipping his beer with a look of sheer amusement on his face, the two girls from the diner were busy in an animated argument and he was supposedly waiting for the cat fight to begin.

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