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You know, I never believed when people said that you can be hurt by something as simple as a few written words. I mean, I believe you can be hurt or have your life changed by a few words spoken. Like "he/she's dead" or "you're/I'm pregnant" but never words written.

How could they? They were just ink or graphite on a piece of paper. How could something so simple hurt us?

I'm not living in some book where the girl gets sent a letter from her boyfriend saying he found some other woman and left her. She's so heartbroken she collapses on the floor and weeps. Knowing that she never meant anything to him. Just a toy until something better came along. But she gave him her whole heart and he tore it into two.

 It wasn't like that here. I'm living in reality. Things like that wouldn't happen to me. Or so I thought.

As I stand here with a piece of paper in my hand, all I could do is stare at it. A piece of paper with less than 100 words written on it. But those words tore my heart in two, just like that girl.

Who would do such a thing? This was too far for the person I was in love with to do. He couldn't have done it. I wouldn't believe it. But I knew I was just lying to myself.

The proof was on the paper. His name on the top, written in his handwriting. Every letter was like a stab in the heart.

All I could do is look at six words on this paper. Six simple words I must have written hundreds of times in different phrases, now put together can break a heart.

I needed to get out of here and quick. I picked up my cell phone and dialed the number I was looking for. I waited a few rings before they picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" They said.

"I need you to come get me." I said as the first of the tears started to come down my face.

"Addie, are you ok?" They must have noticed I was crying.

"No. Just come get me." I hung up the phone. They knew where I was.

I got dressed in my clothes and left the bedroom I was in with the paper still in my hand. I never want to be in there or this house again. And I don't ever want to face him again. But luck wasn't on my side.

As I entered the kitchen to walk out the door he spotted me.

"Ads! Where are you going? I'm making breakfast." He laughed until he saw my face.

"Ads, what's wrong?" He said as he puts his hands on my shoulders. I shrugged his hands off.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I said with as much hatred I could mustered.

"Babe? Tell me what's wrong please! Tell me what to fix." He said, fear was showing in his blue eyes. The ones I fell in love with.

"I hate you." I threw the piece of paper at him and ran out the door.

Six simple words caused my heart to break.

Adeline Ford. The Emo Freak. Accomplished.  

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