Chapter 3: The Devil of Hellington High

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This chappie is dedicated to leilii because she is one of my most supportive fans I have. This girl tells me EVERY time she sees my story is recommened somewhere and how many reads I have on a chappie. Sometimes I think she's more excited than I am lol. She also believes I'm gonna be famous one day (which I still laugh about cause I won't be lol) Oh and we have a purple narwhal named Charlie together who is our watchguard ;D Thanks so much for your support it's means so much to me <3

                                                Destery's P.O.V.

            Oh school, how I hate you I thought as I drive to school in my Mustang.

            This is my last year of school, thank God! Just one more year here. Even though I'm the king of the whole school, I just can't stand the classes. This year should be easier though. After doubling up of classes over the summer, I just have a few classes to pass through. I have only one main goal this year and I plan to complete it.

            I pull into the school and park next to a yellow Camaro. Hmm, I wonder whose car is that. I though.

            I got out of my Mustang and everyone started to surround me. They asked how my summer was and everything. I put on my fake, charming smile and talked to them all. The girls kept flirting, hoping to get with me and the guys talk to me hoping to be my newest friend. High school is just filled with fake people wanting to be popular.

            I was looking around to find my three best friends when all of a sudden two little arms wrapped around me.

            "What the fu—"

            "Hey, no swearing in front of a lady. And speaking of girls, listen here you bros and hoes, you can leave now." Everyone started to walk away when I turned around and saw my best friend Nicole Lewis hugging me.

            "Hey Nikki." I said hugging her back. We broke away and she started looking at me. I started to feel uncomfortable.

            "You look good Dessy. I like the whole skinny jeans and Hollister shirt with Vans. It looks good on you. Kinda preppy with a twist of emo. You look different. I likey." She said looking at me.

            "Thanks. I thought about changing up my style for the last year of school." I said running my hand through my black hair I grew out this summer.

            "Well you did a good job. Now let's go catch up with the other boys, shall we?" She said with a smile. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the school.

            On our way many of students stopped us and try to start a conversation, but Nikki wouldn't have it. She just kept pulling me till we were in front of our other best friends.

            "Hey man, long time no see." Alex said as we did our handshake.

            I've known Alex Dixon since 9th grade. We both came into high school together. We had a class or two together that year, but it was football that made us friends. We went to try-outs together and made it through. His 5'11" height towers my 5'9". He had spiked blonde hair and green eyes. He tends to be jerkish but he's a great friend.

            "Hey Alex. How was your family vacation? Jamaica, right?" I asked

            "Yeah man. It was great. Met some hot girls there." He laughed with a small smirk on his face. In the corner of my eyes I saw Nikki just rolled her eyes and open her locker.

            "Sweet. And how was your vacation Chris?" I asked my other friend.

            "Great. I spent it up at the lake at my family's cabin. Yours?" He asked back.

            Chris O'Brian was defiantly the quiet one of us all. Different style too. He tends to wear dress shirts and ties to school, even though it's a public school. His dark brown hair is always in a fohawk. He's not much of a player, like Alex and me.

            "Mine was good. After I finished classes, I just relaxed by the pool." I told him.

            "I still don't know why you went to school during the summer." Alex said shaking his head.

            "I did it because while you have to take hard classes this year, I don't. I'm have an easy year ahead of me." I said smirking.

            "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever." Alex said.

            "Well I off to my classes. Bye boys." Nikki said waving bye.

            Nikki was only a junior while us guys are seniors. I met her when she was a freshman. She looked like I was on my first day here, lost and confused. I ended up showing her around and since them we have been friends. She has a spunky personality and is very smart for her age. She was very beautiful too. She has dark brown hair and grey eyes. She's one of closest friends. She knows all my secrets.

            "Bye Nikki." I said to her as she walked away. As soon as she was out of view Alex started.

            "Damn! Has anyone else notice how hot Nicole is? She is smoking." Alex said laughing.

            "Yeah she is very pretty." Chris said not really knowing what else to say.

            "Oh please, come on she's smoking. Look at her. Des will agree with me right?" He said shoving my shoulder. Giving me a knowing smile.

            "Let's just drop that ok?" I said starting to walk away. Chris and Alex started to follow me.

            "So Destery are you ready for this year? You only have one more to complete." Alex asked me.

            "Wait you guys aren't still doing this are you? After everything that happened?" Chris said looking at me.

            "Yeah why not I only have one more to complete? I can do it." I said.

            "You promised Des." Chris replied hoping that I would change my mind.

            "I know, but it's just this one I need to finish." I stated with determination.

            "I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into. It's not going to end well. I guarantee." Chris said.

            "He knows what he's doing. Just relax Chris. Who's left on the list anyways?" Alex asked.

            I pulled the list out of my pocket and looked at it.

            "The Emo Freak." I said reading off the list.

            "Where are we gonna find you a freak?" Alex asks as I turned the corner and ran into someone.

The Player's ListOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora