Chapter 2: Welcome to Hell, I Mean High School

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 Ok so this chappie is dedicated to TearsNotFallen. She is one of my best friend!! She's FREAKING AMAZING and she knows ALL my secrets. She really is a great friend <3 You guys should go check out her stories. They are great!!! Thanks for all the support Hays <3

            I pulled into the parking lot of the school. Hellington high, home of the devils. Like I said, it's Hell.

             Kay and I got out of the car and entered the school. We went to our lockers and saw our other best friend Hannah there.

            "HANNAH! I MISSED YOU!!" I screamed and ran to her. She went to Florida for the summer with her family while Kay and I were stuck here in the small town of Hellington, Texas.

            "I MISSED YOU TOO ADDIE!!" She ran to me and we hugged. All of a sudden two arms wrapped around us.

            "I miss all of you. Group hug!" Kay said hugging us. We all giggled.

            "Omg! Your hair has pink in it. It's so weird and cool!" Han laughed as she broke up the hug.

            "Weird? Says the girl with blue hair." I replied back, laughing.

            "Hey! I LOVE her blue hair. It's FREAKING AMAZING." Kay said.

            I chuckled as I opened my locker. I shoved my things into it and close it. I noticed Kay and Han did the same thing.

            "This gonna be the year I'm finally gonna get a boyfriend. I'm so tired being single. It sucks." Kay said looking depressed. I walked over and hugged him.

            "I'm sure you'll find the perfect guy. He's around here somewhere." I said comforting him.

            "Yeah, totally!" Han piped in.

            "So what classes does everyone have?" I asked lightening the mood.

            "Here." Both of them said at the same time, handing me their schedules.


            Homeroom: Mrs. Peach

            1st hour: Chemistry

            2nd hour: History

            3rd hour: Pre-calculus

            4th hour: Lunch

            5th hour: Gym

            6th hour: English


            Homeroom: Mrs. Peach

            1st hour: Art

            2nd hour: Physics

            3rd  hour: Pre-calculus

            4th hour: Lunch

            5th hour: Gym

            6th hour: Music


            Homeroom Mrs. Peach

            1st hour: Art

            2nd hour: History

            3rd hour: Choir

            4th hour: Lunch

            5th hour: Gym

            6th hour: Study Hall

            "Wow Pinky, you got some easy classes this year." Kayden said.

            "Yep. That's what you get for doubling up on your classes last year." I said walking to homeroom.

            "Well at least we have some classes together." Han said walking to my right.

            As I turned the corner, I walked into something, or should I say someone.

            "Hey! Watch where you're going freak." I looked up to see no other than Destery West, the school's quarter-back.

            He was the school "golden" boy. All the girls want him, well except Hannah and me. His black hair and blue eyes has girls falling at his feet. I noticed his two best friends, Chris O'Brian and Alex Dixon, were with him.

            "I am NOT a freak Destery." I said back at him scowling.

            "Says the girl with the pink eyes." Alex piped in.

            "Hey now guys. Let's not fight. Okay?" Kay said in the most flamboyant voice I've ever heard.

            "Hey Chrissy, How are you?" He winked at the 6 foot tall, dark brown haired boy.

            "Stop calling me Chrissy." He growled.

            "But baby, I know you love it when I call you it." Kay winked at him. Chris had the lightest blush on this face.

            "You really are a Payne in my ass." He retorted.

            "Don't worry babe, you just need more practice. The pain goes away the more you do it." Hannah and I giggle has he turned a deep scarlet.

            "Come on guys. We're gonna be late." I said walking away from the "it" group.

            "Yeah, you better walk away freak." Alex said as we turned the corner.

            "Wow, is it me or are do they think they have even more power cause they're seniors?" Han said out loud.

            "Yeah I noticed that too. Stupid football players. Oh and Kayden are you really gonna talk like that again this year? Hey now guys" I impersonated him. Whenever jocks are around, he talks in a high-pitched voice and acts overly gay.

            "Well that's what they think all gay guys sound and act like, so why not?" He laughed as we entered Mrs. Peach's homeroom. We still had about five minutes till class started.

            Mrs. Peach was a nice teacher. She was in her mid-fifties and her light brown hair was slowly turning grey. All the students respected her; even the bad students didn't mess with her. I think it was because she gave everyone respect and trust back.

            "Hello! Kayden, Hannah, and Adeline. How was your summer vacation?" She asked when she looked up to see us.

            "Good Mrs. Peach. And yours?" Kay asked.

            "Oh that's good! Mine was well. Thank you for asking Kayden." She said smiling, before returning to her work.

            After a few minutes, students starting coming in. Everyone was hugging each other and asking how there summer was.

            Just as the final bell rung, another student walked into the class room. He looked around the class room. When his blue eyes caught mine, he smirked and walked over towards me and sat in the set next to me.

"Well hello there, beautiful." It was no other than the devil of Hellington himself. Destery West. 

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