Chapter 19: Homecoming

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                                    Destery's P.O.V.

            I feel like crap. Just like crap. Scratch that, I feel like the scum at the bottom of a shoe. I'm a jerk, a loser, and mostly importantly, a liar. I lied straight to her face. After everything she told me today, I still lied to her face. I should have told her the truth, everything. But I was too chicken to admit it her. I was afraid if I told her the truth and she would leave me. Even though we aren't even together, I still don't want to lose her. Now more that I know I like her. But there was no way she liked me. And now I can't tell her the truth because she'll know I lied straight to her face.

            I still don't know what to do about her and the list. I just... I don't know. I looked at my dresser where it laid, and glared at it. Stupid list, stupid Alex for starting it, stupid me for following him. I'm so freaking stupid. But there is some part of me that can't hate the list. It was brought me back to Ads.

            I turned to look at my alarm clock in my room to see what time it was. It had read 5pm so I drug myself off of my bed and headed to the shower. I stripped out of my shirt and pants, and then proceeded to take off my boxers. I slipped into the steamy shower and just stood there for a while.  The hot water felt good on my aching body from the game yesterday. I know a lot of people where pissed off since I kicked off at half time. But it was well worth it.

            After a little while I got out of the shower. I dried myself with a towel and then wrapped it around my waist and walked to my room. I put on a fresh pair of boxers and my black dress pants. As I went to put on my top, my cell rang.

            "Hello?" I answered.

            "Hey man! What's up?" Alex's voice called through.

            "Just getting ready for the dance. You?" I asked.

            "Home, being bored. I'm not going to some stupid dance. Come skip with me."

            "I can't. I have a date." I told him.

            "Oh yeah, with the Ford girl right? Ahh I get it now, you're doing this for the list huh?" I can just imagine the smirk on his face.

            "Yeah... it's for the list." I lied.

            "You better get going on that. Two months has already passed." He laughed. My blood started to boil.

            "What about you?" I snapped. "How are you doing on it?"

            "Don't get your panties in a bunch dude. I've hit a roadblock. But I'm trying to work on it. I just need some time." He said to me. I looked over at the clock to see it was 6 pm.

            "Hey, I have to go. I need to finish getting ready." I hung up on him. He was pissing me off.

            I finished getting ready and put on a pink tie. I then put on my dress shoes, grabbed my keys, and took off to Chris' in my mustang. All the girls were getting ready Addie's, so I told him I'd pick him up. After getting Chris, we took off towards Addie's.

            "So you and Addie are going to the dance together?" Chris asked me.

            "Yeah, why?"

            "I was just wondering." He replied.

            "Wondering what?"

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