Chapter 1: Adeline Ford

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Ok so this is dedicated to xxgoth_girlxx because she's such a great fan. She ALWAYS votes and comments on stories. Also she's a really poet. So if you are looking for some good poems so read check her out. Thanks so much for your support!! <3

A few months before...

            BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!

            "UGH!!" I said as I slammed my alarm clock off. Lucky me, having to get up at 6:30 in morning. Stupid first day of school.

            But this is my final year. Senior year baby. I can't wait to get out of that Hell hole adults called high school. That's exactly what it was, Hell.

            I got up from my comfy, queen size bed and into the bathroom attached to my room. After a 20 minute shower, I was busy working at my hair.

            I just loved the color. Blonde with pink highlights. I'm so glad I got it done. I blow dried it and then straightened it. Onto my eyes next.

            Some black mascara and eyeliner makes my pink eyes pop. Yes, my eyes are pink. No, they aren't contacts either. I get it from my mom's side. All the females on that side have weird color eyes. It must be something with our genetics. My mom has violet eyes, Gram's is orange, and I have an aunt with white eyes. Which are quite scary, I must say.

            I walked back into my purple and black room and into my closet. Hmm what to wear? Hmm... ah ha! I slipped on my black skinny jeans with a 'Falling In Reverse' T-shirt. Then I put on my purple converses. You know what they say; converses are a girl's best friend. I put in my silver labret and my outfit was complete.

            I look at my clock and see its 7:30. So I walk down the stairs to hear my mom calling me.

            "Adeline Ford get your ass down here now! You don't want to be late on your last first day of school do you?!?" She screams.

            "Relax mom. I'm right here. Jeez. Morning" I said as walk towards her and kiss her on cheek.

            I have the best mom in the world. She's relaxed and not uptight like most parents. Which is surprising because she's a lawyer.

            "Oh look at you. My baby is growing up. Holy crap I'm getting so old. Jake stay young please?" My mom said looking at me and my younger brother.

            "Morning Jak—What in the world are you wearing?" I said and sat in the bar stool next to him.

"I've decided to become a gangster." He said as he pulled his do-rag down.

"And you're letting him out of the house like this?" I asked my mother.

"Eh why not? He'll change his mind when someone pants him in school today for wearing such baggy pants." She said and I laughed. My brother just scowled.

"Mom, when is dad coming home? There is way too much girlie-ness here." He said shuddering.

            "I told you, he's away for another 10 months. He's giving out  lectures to people and  he's teaching them. But he'll be home for thanksgiving." My mom said serving a plate full of bacon and eggs in front of the two of us.

            My dad's a doctor. He recently discovered something important about the heart and is now telling everyone about it. He's become quite famous cause of this finding.

After Jakey and I finished eating, we kissed our mother good-bye and went to the garage to get my car.

            It was a yellow 2011 Chevy convertible Camaro. It was my baby. My parents got it for me for getting my licenses.

            I pulled out of the drive way and into my neighbor's. As soon as I put it into park, I see one of my best friend's come down the drive way.

            "KAYDEN!!" I screamed and laughed.

            "PINKY!!!" He screamed just as loud.

            He walked to the passenger's seat and slid in as Jakey sat in the backseat. He kissed my cheek as I pulled onto the road and towards my brother's school.

            "How's my favorite gay best friend?" I asked him. Kayden Payne's been out of the closet since, well, forever.

            "I am fab-u-lous! And you my dearie? Are your ready for senior year?" He asked.

             "Yes!" I said. And it was true. This year was gonna be different I could feel it.

            "And you Ja—what the Hell are you wearing, boy?" He said looking at Jakey.

            "I'm a gangster. Duh!' My brother said.

            Kay just shooked his head then quickly pulled something out of his backpack.

            "Oh I just remembered!" He pulled a magazine out of his bag and threw it at Jakey.

            "What's that?" I asked.

            "That's just the latest playgirl magazine." He said winking at me. I giggle hysterically.

            "For the last time Kayden, I'M NOT GAY!!" My brother yelled. I pulled into Jakey's middle school and pulled off to the side.

            "Ok Kayden, enough with trying to get him to say he's gay" I said.

            "THANK YOU!" My brother praised.

            "We all know he's gay anyways." I said hiding my laughter, while Kayden had tears in his eyes from laughing so much.

            "I hate you." Jakey said.

            "What? I was trying to help a brotha out, yo." I said pounding my hand to my chest then making a peace sign.

            "I'm leaving." He said exiting the car.

            I rolled down the windows and Kayden and I screamed out toward him.

           "WE LOVE YOU JAKEY!!" And I drove off to school.

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