Chapter 20: To Trust or Not To Trust?

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                                    Addie's P.O.V.

            After the song ended Des and I walked back to our table. I couldn't help but smile. Destery West asked me out. The guy I was crushing on. I just can't wait for tomorrow.

            "So I'll pick you up at 2p.m. tomorrow for our date." Des told me.

            "Isn't 2p.m. a little, I don't know, early?" I asked him confused.

            "Yeah kinda. But I have a lot planned." He just smirked at me.

            "Okay." I looked at him curious. Just then Hannah and Chris walked to our table.

            "Hey what's up?" Han asked me as Chris and Des got involved in their own conversation.

            "Nothing much." I stated. "Des just asked me out. That's about it." I smirked at her. She started to screech and hugged me.

            "No way!! I'm so happy for you." She said as I hugged her back.

            "Thanks." I laughed.

            "What's up with all the smiles and laughter?" Nikki said as she plopped next to us girls.

            "Well Destery and Addie are going on a date." Hannah shouted at her.

            "A date huh?" She raised an eyebrow then turned to look at Destery. He just shrugged his shoulders.

            "Yeah, I asked her out." A smile appeared at his lips. She looked him in the eyes for a minute before responding.

            "Congrats." She said to me with a smile. I just smiled back. A slow song began to play in the background.

            "Can I have this dance?" I looked up to see Chris standing in front of me with his hand extended out. "That is, if it's okay with your date?"

            "I don't mind." Des said.

            "Sure Christopher. I'd love to dance." I place my hand in his and got out we walked out to the dance floor where Something by Escape the Fate was playing. Chris placed his left hand on my waist and his right hand in mine. We began to rock back and forth together as he led.

            "So Destery asked you out?" Chris said making small talk.

            "Yeah he did. We're going out tomorrow on a date." I replied.

            "Just be careful with trusting him." Chris said. I gave him a curious look.

            "Chris?" I called him.

            "Yes Adeline?"

            "How come everyone keeps telling me the same thing? I mean to be careful trusting him. You, Nicole, even Alison Henderson, had come up to tell me the exact same thing. Should I really not trust him?" I asked confused.

            "Who you trust is your choice, but just be careful on how much you trust someone. They just might not be completely loyal to you." He told me.

            "Do you know something about Destery that I don't?" I asked him. He looked me in the eye before responding.

            "I've been friends with him since 9th grade, I'm sure I know a few things about him you don't." He replied with a small smirk.

            "Nice comeback." I laughed. After that we stayed silent until the song ended.

            "It was nice dancing with you Ms. Ford." Chris said bowing. I laughed.

            "Same to you Mr. O'Brian." I smiled to him.

            "Can I have a dance with my date?" I spun around and saw Destery standing there.

            "Sure." I stepped towards him. We began to sway as No Idea by All Time Low played.

            "You look handsome tonight." I told him looking him up and down. A small blush began to appear on his face.

            "Thank you." He whispered. We just stayed swaying to the beat. Everyone in a while I would lowly sing the words.

            She has no idea,

            That I'm even here,

            She's has no idea,

            That I'm even here,

            "So that talent show is going to be great." Des said.

            "Yeah it will. I can't wait." I smiled at him.

            "Is everything okay? Your eyes seem distant." He asked concerned. I just gave a small smile.

            "I'm fine."

            "Liar." He narrowed his eyes.

            "It's okay Destery. I'm just thinking about people have been saying to me, that's all."

            "What have they been saying?" He asked. I thought it over before telling him.

            "That I shouldn't trust you as much as I do. Is there a reason for that?" I asked him.

            "No. It's just because of something in my past. It's over and done with now. You're in my present and future." He smiled at me.

            "How sweet." I blushed. We dance for a little while longer. After a couple of hours, we left the dance. Nicole and Xander said their good-bye's in the parking lot as Des, Chris, Han, and I got in the mustang. Des dropped Han and Chris at their houses before driving to mine.

            As we got there Des parked the car and got out with me. He walked me to my door.

            "Thanks for being my date." He smiled.

            "You're welcome. I had fun." I looked up at him through my eyelashes. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

            "Goodnight Ads. Don't forget our date tomorrow." He winked at me and walked to his car. I unlocked my door and watched him drive away. Once he was out of view I closed the door and leaned my back against it. I had a huge smile on my face.

            I, Adeline Ford, have a date with Destery West.

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