Chapter 18: The Little Black Box is Revealed

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            After the game I drove Hannah home then Kay and I went to my place. Jakey was at his boyfriend's house again for a sleep over and mom had a business meeting this weekend, so it was just Kayden and me. The car ride was quiet all the way home. It seemed as if Kayden was thinking about something. It was still quiet as we walked into my room.

            "Please say something Kay." I said looking at him. He looked a little startled by the sound of my voice, but replied.

            "I'm sorry Pinky. I'm just SO pissed off that he's walking around out in the world free. He should be locked up forever for what he did to you." He said clenching and unclenching his fists. I slowly walked up to him and hugged him. After a little bit he relaxed into the hug.

            "I love you." I whispered into his chest, crying a little.

            "I love you too." He said holding me as I cried.

            After a while Kay and I went to bed. I had cuddled into his side and cried some more before passing out. I woke up the next morning at 9 am to find Kay in my kitchen cooking breakfast. I smiled as I watched him. After we ate we just sat down in the living room and watched some T.V.

            "What time is your mom coming home?" I asked him.

            "About 7pm. So I'm gonna help you get ready then head back over." He said while holding my hand. We went silent again for a while watching T.V. till about 12 pm when the doorbell rang.

            "I'll get that for you." Kay told me while getting up. I turned around on the couch to see him open the door. I heard him say hello to someone and stepped aside to let them in. Destery walked through the threshold.

            "There she is." He smiled when he saw me.

            "Hey I'm gonna go pack up my things and let you two have some alone time." Kay winked at me then walked up the stairs.

            I looked at Des shyly. I wonder if he changed his mind about me and is here to tell me how disgusting I am. He slowly makes his way towards me and sits right next to me on the couch.

            "I'm not here to end our friendship if that's what you're thinking." He said grabbing my hand.

            "What are you here for then? It's too early to pick me up for the dance and you're not dressed." I asked confused.

            "I think we need to talk about what happened last night." He said scrunching his eyebrow while looking at my hand he was playing with.

            "Why do we have to talk about it? Kayden told everyone what happened when he freaked out on Ronnie." I whispered.

            "Cause I want to hear you say what happened to you." He looked into my eyes. I felt my eyes to tear up.

            "It's a long story." I warned him.

            "I've got time." He gave me an encouraging smile. I signed before telling him everything I had locked up in that little black box in my head that held all my darkest secrets.

            I turned my body completely at my right to face him and he copied me. I took a deep breath before looking into his eyes and began to tell him my past.

            "It was the summer between 9th and 10th grade when I had met him. My family and Kayden's went to the lake for a month during the summer. We rented a house on the lake together. It was a blast. Our parents hung out and Kay and I had met and hung out some local kids around our age. It was a great summer. About after two weeks being there, we were invited to a party one of our new friends was having. Our parents allowed us to go, seeing as they knew the family quite well. It was at the party where I met him.

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