Chapter 12: Good to You

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            "What do you want Ms. V.?" Des asked the choir teacher.

            "I was hoping you two thought about doing a duet together." She told us.

            "Well not really..." I responded. "To be honest, I forgot all about it."

            "Same here."

            "Well here is a copy of a song I think you two should do. You're excused from my class today, so I want you two to practice it and see if you like it or not. You know how to play the piano, right Destery?" She asked him. He nodded as a response.

            "Good. Now go." Ms. V. smirked as she pushed us into the same room Des and I sang that All Time Low song together.

            "So I'm guessing we're singing this song." Des said as he sat down in front of the baby grand piano.

            "Yeah it seems like it. What's the song called?" I asked while sitting next to him.

            "It's called 'Good to You' by Marianas Trench."

            "Never heard it. Are you gonna be able to play it?" I asked.

            "Yeah, it's not too hard. Just let me get a feel for it first." He replied before starting to play it. I just sat next to him a listened to the chords mix together. The harmony was absolutely beautiful.

            "Okay, I think I got it." Des said after a few minutes of playing the song. "Are you ready?"

            "Let's do it."  The music started off slowly.

         "Everyone's around,

No words are coming out,

 And I can't find my breath,

Can we just say the rest with no sound?

And none of this is enough,

I still don't measure up,

And I'm not prepared, sorry is never there when you need it." Des sang the first verse.

"Okay, so I sing the first few measures of the chorus, then you come in. Quietly though, okay?"

            "Okay sounds good." I replied.

"And now I do, want you to know I'll hold you up above everyone,

            And I do, want you to know I think you'd be good to me

 And I'd be so good to you.

 I would" I joined him at the end.

"Now it's your turn." He said at me.

"I thought I saw a sign'

            Somewhere between the lines,

            Or maybe it's me, maybe I only see what I want,

            Well I still have your letter,

            Just got caught between someone I just invented,

            Who I really am,

            And who I've become." I sang my solo.

"Wow. You really do have a nice voice." He complemented me.

            "Thank you." I freaking blushed again.

            "Now we sing together again."

"And now I do want you to know I'll hold you up above everyone,

            And I do want you to know I think you'd be good to me,

and I'd be so good to you,

            Whoaaaaa-ohhhhh-ohhhhhh, Whoaaaaa-ohhhhh-ohhhhh,


Whoaaaaa-ohhhhh-ohhhhhh, Whoaaaaa-ohhhhh-ohhhhh,


"Time for the grand finale." I laughed.

"And I do want you to know,

I'll hold you up above everyone,

And I do want you to know,

I think you'd be good to me,

And I'd be so good to you.

I would.

 I do want you to know,

I'll hold you up above everyone,

And I do want you to know,

I think you'd be good to me,

And I'd be so good to you.

I'd be good to you, I'd be good to you,

I'd be good to you, I'd be so good to you

I'd be good to you,




I'd be so good to you."

Des and I turned and looked at each other when we finished. Both of us had a huge smile on our faces. All of a sudden there was clapping.

"Now class, that's how a duet is done." Ms. V. smirked at us, while the whole choir class clapped.

"Congrats. You two made it into the talent show."


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